The following table outlines the changes made in AudienceView 7.17.0:
Provide the ability to add memberships to customer accounts based on data provided in a .CSV source file. The new Add Memberships to Customers script and script definition adds memberships to a set of customers based on a .CSV source file.
The source file must contain a customer identifier column with either the 'Customer Number', 'Legacy Account Number 1', 'Legacy Account Number 2' or 'Legacy Account Number 3' field information. Also it must contain the 'Membership Name', and either a 'Membership Level Name' or the number of 'Points' to assign to the membership. If both are provided then the points value is used and the level is ignored. The source file can optionally include a 'Start Date' and an 'Expiry Date' for the membership. If a 'Start Date' is not provided, then it will default to the current date and time. If an 'End Date' is not provided, the 'Valid To' date configured on the membership will be used to set the 'End Date'. |
AVD-6658 |
Online - Display an image in suggested gift pop-ups. When a gift has an image configured on the Funds Management application Gifts|Details page's 'Logo' field, the image displayed in the suggested gift pop-up online. |
AVD-8528 |
WebAPI requests support passing POST parameters in JSON format. |
AVD-13890 |
Provide the ability to add users to customer accounts based on data provided in a .CSV source file. The new Add User Accounts to Customers script and script definition adds user accounts to a set of customers based on a .CSV source file. The script can be used when online user accounts need to be set up for existing customers.
The source file must contain a customer identifier column with either the 'Customer Number', 'Legacy Account Number 1', 'Legacy Account Number 2' or 'Legacy Account Number 3' field information, and a user name.
A user password can be provided in the source file, or in an execution field on the script job. If it is provided in an execution field, the same password will be set for all of the users. If a password is provided in the source file as well as in the execution field, the source file takes precedence and the execution field is ignored. If no password is provided then the script will return an error.
The 'Language', 'Role' and 'Group' for the users are set using further execution fields on the script job. The role and group which are used for new online users should be set here (typically 'Role' = Internet and 'Group' = WebSales).
Only one user can be added to each customer in a single source file. |
AVD-17012 |
Convert the Email Marketing report from XSL to JavaScript. The Email Marketing report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Email Marketing node. |
AVD-11812 |
Convert the Charges report from XSL to JavaScript. The Charges report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Charges node. An issue with the report not subtotalling correctly was also fixed as part of this work. |
AVD-11836 AVD-16915 |
Desktop - Index order searches by 'Phone Number'. |
AVD-12554 |
Desktop - Add more flexibility when managing venue sections and update the messaging.
Previously, after assigning a value to the 'Section GA Capacity' field on the Event Configuration application Venue|Sections page, the value could not be reduced nor could the section be deleted
Now: •Users are able to reduce the 'Section GA Capacity' if there are no events linked to the venue. •When users try to reduce the 'Section GA Capacity' and there are events linked to the venue, the following message is displayed: The GA section capacity can only be decreased if there are no events in this venue. •Users are able to delete a section if the 'Section GA Capacity' is greater than zero and there are no events nor gate rules referencing the section •Users are able to delete reserved seats if there are no events linked to the venue. •When users try to delete reserved seats and there are events linked to the venue, the following message is displayed: Seats can only be deleted if there are no events in this venue. •Users are able to delete a section if there are no reserved seats nor gate rules referencing the section and there is no 'Section GA Capacity'. |
AVD-14755 |
New Business Intelligence - Add the remaining objects/search entities. Sixty-one additional objects/search entities have been added to the Business Intelligence and Reports application New Business Intelligence|Results page. There are now permissions for each search entity in the TSsearchBO. |
AVD-16663 |
Desktop - Improve the performance of the Add Language functionality and add some styling. The time is takes to add a language to the Registry has been reduced from from 30 minutes to 3.5 minutes. Some styles were also added to dialog boxes that appear in the Registry. |
AVD-16888 AVD-16890 |
Online - Do not zoom in/out while users are scrolling the page. The ability to zoom in or out using a mouse's scroll wheel will only activate once the user has clicked on the map. When the cursor is moved out of the image, the scrolling will be disabled and the user will have to click on the map again to. |
AVD-17005 |
Desktop - Change 'List Labels' to 'Displayed Labels'. In areas of the AudienceView Desktop that used to be called 'List Labels' have been updated to 'Displayed Labels' to better reflect the fields purpose. |
AVD-17036 |
Online - Users are allowed to leave a single seat even when the 'Option' has not been selected on the Application Configuration application Roles|Basic page. The default Information message 5413 has also been updated to You are not able to leave a single seat. Select another combination of seats. |
AVD-9974 AVD-12397 AVD-15504 |
Online - Forwarded tickets are being sorted by Seat/Section/Row instead of Section/Row/Seat. |
AVD-15514 |
Event Owner Portal - 'Venue Capacity' is not displaying correctly when working with multiple venues and events. |
AVD-16977 |
Pledge Portal - The Ballena integration is throwing invalid parameter errors. |
AVD-17221 |
New Business Intelligence - After saving a BI query, an error message appears and the query is not executed. |
AVD-17393 |