The following table outlines the changes made in AudienceView 7.19.0:
Provide the ability to update admission price types and order balances based on a .CSV source file. The new Order Update script and script definition can change the price types on order admissions and add a balancing payment using a local payment method based on data provided in .CSV source files. The script supports the use of each of these functions independently, so it can be used to: 1.Change price types on order admissions (without updating payments) 2.Add a balancing payment to a set of orders (without updating admissions) 3.Change price types on order admissions and add a balancing payment to the orders
Users should update the criteria for the Order Update BI query so that it only returns the set of orders that need to be updated.
The 'Options' execution field is used to specify which functions the script job should execute.
The 'Events' execution field is used to specify which events on those orders should be updated.
The 'Payemtn Method' execution field is used to specify the payment method to use for the balancing payment. The field uses a list of local payment methods.
The 'Unpaid Reason' execution field is used to set the unpaid reason on the order, in the case that price types are changed, the order becomes underpaid, and a balancing payment is not added.
The 'Source Price Type' and 'Target Price Type' fields are used to map existing price types to new price types.
The script loads each order returned by the BI. If the 'Update Price Types' option is selected, the script looks for admissions for the specified event(s). Within that set of admissions, the script looks for price types matching the 'Source Price Type', and changes them to the corresponding 'Target Price Type'.
If the 'Add Balancing Payment' option is selected, the script adds a payment using the specified payment method, where the amount matches the order amount due.
The 'Successful Row'" value on the Data Management|Results page will correspond to the number of orders updated, regardless of whether or not anything was actually changed on the orders.
AVD-15546 |
Provide the ability to create programs, campaigns and appeals based on data provided in a .CSV file. The new Create Programs, Campaigns and Appeals script and script definition create programs, campaigns and appeals, along with their associated goals, based on data provided in .CSV source files. The script supports CSV source files for: •Programs •Campaigns •Appeals •Program goals •Campaign goals •Appeal goals The script supports creating: •Programs •Programs and campaigns •Programs, campaigns and appeals
It also supports adding goals to any of the programs, campaigns and appeals that are being created. The script does not support adding campaigns or appeals to existing programs, nor does it support adding goals to existing programs, campaigns and appeals. Funds can be added using the Create Funds script (AVD-18213). Because the program is the parent record, the 'Successful Rows' value on the Data Management|Results page will indicate the number of programs that were created, regardless of how many campaigns and appeals may have been created within the programs. |
AVD-16125 |
The section_rows parameter was added to the TSofferBO and TSorderBO's getBestAvailable and getBundleBestAvailable doWork methods to allow you to pass in row names as a parameter. |
AVD-16275 |
The removeDonations doWork method was added to the TSorderBO to allow users to remove gifts from shopping carts via the API. |
AVD-17844 |
Add the ability to restrict payment methods so that they can only be used if they are already saved against a customer's account. The 'Payment Usage' dropdown has been added to the General Configuration application Payment Method|Basic page, with the following options: •Purchase: Enables you to use the payment method to make purchases via the various AudienceView interfaces. •Purchase only using Saved: Enables you to use the saved payment method to make purchases via the various AudienceView interfaces. •Settlement: Enables you to use the payment method to pay event owner portal users/organizations.
This supports CBORD payment types so that universities/colleges can ensure only students who own the card use the card for payment. This is accomplished through an upload of the card details as a saved payment method.
This feature can also be used when an internal account payment type needs to be approved/vetted before being used, or any time ad hoc usage of a payment type is not desired. Understanding that supervisory staff may need override access to payment methods, this can be overridden using the overrideSavedOnlyPaymentMethods permission on the TSorderBO. |
AVD-18013 |
Add the ability to update customers' memberships' expiry dates using a source file. The new Update Customer Membership Expiry script and script definition, and the Customer ID BI query have been added. The script updates the expiry date on customer memberships, based on the customers returned by the BI query, and the membership names and date provided in the script execution fields. Users should update the criteria for the Customer ID BI query so that it only returns the set of customers where membership expiry dates need to be updated. The 'Membership Name' execution field is used to specify which membership(s) on those customers should be updated. The 'Expiry Date' execution field is used to specify the new expiry date, by using either an absolute date or a duration (relative date) which will be calculated relative to the existing membership expiry date. The script loads each customer returned by the BI and looks for the specified membership name(s). If an absolute date is provided in the 'Expiry Date' execution field, the script updates the expiry date on all of the matching memberships with the date provided. If a duration is provided in the 'Expiry Date' execution field, the script calculates the new expiry date by adding/subtracting the duration to the existing expiry date. A positive duration (e.g. +15d) will add the duration to the existing expiry date, while a negative duration (e.g. -9M) will subtract the duration from the existing expiry date. Because the customers returned by the BI are the primary records, the 'Successful Rows' value on the Data Management|Results page will indicate the total number of customers returned regardless of whether or not the customers have a membership which was updated. |
AVD-18094 |
Provide the ability to create funds based on data provided in a .CSV file. The new Create Funds script and script definition create funds, along with their associated goals, based on data provided in .CSV source files. The script supports CSV source files for: •Funds •Fund goals The script supports creating funds with or without goals. It does not support adding goals to existing funds. Programs, campaigns and appeals can be added using the Create Programs, Campaigns and Appeals script (AVD-16125). |
AVD-18213 |
Convert the Bundles Performance Requests report from XSL to JavaScript. The Bundles Performance Requests report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Bundles Performance Requests node. |
AVD-11822 |
Convert the Bundles Sales report from XSL to JavaScript. The Bundle Sales report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Bundle Sales node. |
AVD-11823 |
Convert the Admission Details report from XSL to JavaScript. The Admission Details report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Admission Details node. |
AVD-11824 |
Convert the Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report from XSL to JavaScript. The Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Gift Certificate/Card Transactions node. |
AVD-11826 |
Convert the Event Sales by Price report from XSL to JavaScript. The Event Sales by Price report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Event Sales by Price node. Issues related to the report have also been resolved. |
AVD-11832 |
Convert the Tickets Printed report from XSL to JavaScript. The Tickets Printed report has been converted to JavaScript. The labels can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels::Tickets Printed node. |
AVD-11842 |
Update the Data Monkey UI
General Configuration application Script Defintions|Edit page: •The 'Source Type' dropdown has been renamed 'Default Source Location' •The 'Default BI' field has been added, allowing you to set a default query for the Data Management job. Utilities application Data Management|Schedule page •The 'Source Location' dropdown has been added with the following entries: oBusiness Intelligence oFile oUser Input oHTTP oSFTP
Selecting each of the different types renders the needed fields. •When Business Intelligence is selected from the 'Source Location' a picker appears allowing you to use the Find Saved Lists dialog box to search for and select the appropriate BI. |
AVD-3098 AVD-17565 |
Added a Dry Run option to Data Management jobs. The 'Dry Run' check box has been added to the Utilities application Data Management|Schedule page. When the check box is selected and the job is run, no changes will be made to the database. You can then review the results of the job to ensure everything is correct. Once you are satisfied with the jobs results, deselect the check box and run the job again. A 'Run Options' column has been added to the Data Management|Results page and the status report email indicating if the job was a dry run. |
AVD-17949 |
TSticketBO: Add the verify method to bypass the performance check. The verify doWork method will not check the performance_ID to populate the seat node. If ticket number is valid then the corresponding seat will be in the node tree and can be retrieved from Seat. The new parameters barcode_number was added. The ticket_number paramenter is no longer required, but either ticket_number or barcode_number must be passed into verify call. |
AVD-18133 AVD-18241 |
API - Rename the rows parameter to reqRows. The rows parameter has been changed to reqRows in the followowing doWork methods under both the TSorderBO and TSofferBO: •getBundleBestAvailable •addBundles •addBundleRequest |
AVD-18163 |
Update the Seat History report to include resale statuses When double-clicking on a seat on the Customer Services application Events|Seat Map or the Event Configuration application Events|Ticket Usage pages you can now see the resale price and resale status changes. |
AVD-18244 |
Desktop - Closing a browser (e.g. closing the window or tab) while the order is saving will no longer cause the order to rollback. |
AVD-18391 |
Access Control/Mobile Scanning - Performances are auto-selected (sometimes incorrectly) as users log in when there is only one performance for that day. If there was a single performance for today then it will be auto-selected when the user accesses the event selection page. |
AVD-12730 |
The Utilities application Data Management|Details page is not maintaining the execution fields 'Order' defined on the script definition. |
AVD-13967 |
SQL Server reports deadlock when customers save a payment methods against their accounts. |
AVD-14120 |
A system error occurs when an offer containing admissions both with and without promotion codes is added to an order. |
AVD-14473 |
Multiple instances of benefits/promotion codes are not being immediately applied to orders. |
AVD-16495 |
Registry - Adding or changing a payment terminal requires an IIS reset before taking effect. |
AVD-16938 |
Events created via the Event Owner Portal are not appearing online for sale. |
AVD-17131 |
A security violation occurs when extracting a query from New Business Intelligence. The summary permission was missing from the TSsearchBO. |
AVD-17680 |
Desktop - Seats marked as on offer (red price type indicator on the seat) on the Customer Services application Events|Seat Map page disappear for a brief period of time. |
AVD-17780 |
Desktop - Cannot print tickets from orders or order/offer invoices from Utilities. |
AVD-18114 |
Desktop - Ticket template elements are not rotating correctly. |
AVD-18115 |
Online - Price type limits not clearing after admissions have been removed from the shopping cart. |
AVD-18192 |
Business Intelligence - When reporting on price zones through an Admission BI, the BI pulls the current price zone instead of displaying the price zone the seat was sold in (when they differ). |
AVD-18215 |
A variety of issues were found affecting 3D Secure transactions in the Redcard/Anderson Zaks gateway. |
AVD-18216 |
Event Owner Portal - When switching through the tabs on the My Events page, the page number is retained. When switching between tabs, the first page of results appears. |
AVD-18224 |
Offers with promotion codes on the included events (Event|Calendar page) are not being added to orders. |
AVD-18270 |
WebAPI - Rename the section_rows parameter for TSorderBO::getBundleBestAvailable() to sectionRows to maintain consistency with existing section parameters. |
AVD-18348 |
No error message appears when users do not have access to offers that are being added to orders. |
AVD-18382 |
Online - A 500 error occurs when an offer that will leave a single seat is added to an order. |
AVD-18396 |
Desktop - Cannot update customer accounts when there are saved payment methods. When payments were saved from the order payment window, a hidden field was being written to that was not available in the customer account. The unnecessary the field has been removed. |
AVD-18412 |
Unable to put seats in the shopping cart. |
AVD-18454 |
Desktop - If an order was created by a role that did not need a promotion code for the items on the order, the order cannot be updated by a role that requires the promotion code, even if the promotion is active. |
AVD-18544 |
Offers accepted online are not being reflected in the AudienceView Desktop. |
AVD-18556 |
Desktop - Cannot update orders with promotion codes even though the promotion code Is active on the customer record and the order. |
AVD-18569 |