The following table outlines the changes made in AudienceView 7.23.0:
New Desktop Design - Customer Services The layout of the Customer Services application has been completely redesigned, but the functionality and workflows are relatively the same. You can opt to use the new version of Customer Services by clicking the Switch to new Customer Services link in the top-right corner of the AudienceView Desktop. Some of the changes you will notice: •Buttons appear at the top of the page in a persistent button bar. •Infrequently used buttons appear in a menu. •Tabs appear at the top of the page in collapsible bar (scrolling down hides it, scrolling up reveals it). •The criteria on the search pages does not collapse. Once a search has been executed, the screen auto-scrolls to the results. The buttons used to scroll through pages of results appear at the bottom of the results table. •Fields have been logically grouped together. •After clicking 'New Customer' or 'New Order', the button becomes a 'Start Over' button (until the item is saved), allowing you to clear all of the fields so you can start again. •Customer Services is responsive. |
AVD-18519 |
Provide the ability to create customers and benefits from external .CSV source files One preloaded script called Update Customers and Benefits has been added to the General Configuration application Scripts section. One preloaded script definition called Update Customers and Benefits has been added to the General Configuration application Script Definitions section. Users can then create a Data Management job using the Update Customers and Benefits script definition. This script is designed primarily for universities and colleges, where periodic imports of student data from a third-party system are required. The script supports a single .CSV source file containing customer data and, optionally, benefit data. The script verifies that each customer in the source file exists. If the customer does exist, the customer data in the source file is used to overwrite the existing customer data. If the customer does not exist, the customer data in the source file is used to create a new customer. If a benefit is included in the source file, the script looks for an existing benefit with a matching name. If a match is found, the 'Start Date' and 'Valid Until Date' fields are updated. If no match is found, a new benefit is added to the customer. An execution field on the script job is used to define whether the 'Customer Number' or 'Legacy Account Number [1-3]' fields are used to identify the customer. |
AVD-6635 |
Add a 3D Digital Venue Widget (3DDV) to Content Management. The 3DDV widget allows you to include a 3D modeled venue in articles to show customers the views from different seats. |
AVD-19597 |
Create an Order Confirmation / Invoice (Moneris) template with additional payment fields. To support a new feature for AVS, a new Order Confirmation / Invoice (Moneris) template has been created. It contains additional information in the payment section of the order confirmation.
Only customers using Tender Retail with Moneris who want to enable AVS need to use this version of the invoice/confirmation. |
AVD-19892 AVD-19893 |
Remove the XSL processing from the script engine because all of the reports have been converted to JavaScript. |
AVD-19177 |
API - Allow users to search the TScontentBO without providing an article_id parameter. |
AVD-19660 |
API - Add venue_id to unified search. The search method of the TScontentBO has been enhanced to allow users to search for an individual venue using venue_id. |
AVD-19661 |
Obstructed Seat Indicator An Obstructed option has been added to the Event Configuration application Venue|Seats page's 'Sys Type' field. When users perform best available searches via the AudienceView Desktop or online, they have the option of omitting obstructed seats from their searches. |
AVD-19663 |
Validata - Add configuration to control accepted validation values. The 'Accepted Validation Codes' field has been added to the Registry application Sysmem::Configuration::Payment Gateways::Validata node. The default value are set to 2,4,5. The allowable codes are: •1: Sort code is valid and Account is valid. This value is hard coded in the gateway and will always be treated as accepted. •2: Sort code is valid and Account is valid but bypassed the modulus. •4: Sort code is invalid and Account is valid because it passed the modulus. •5: Sort code is invalid and account is invalid because it bypassed the modulus. All other values will be ignored. |
AVD-19753 |
The extract() method is available on the Content and Map objects to rapidly search for availability, seat inventory and information. The extract method has a number of advantages over the search() method for these objects, but requires that extract templates, which define output configuration, are defined. Without these templates, the calls to extract will fail.
A new core extract script called Content BO JSON Extract has been added so that the API can pull all of the available items returned by the content search in JSON format.
Similarly, two new core extract scripts called Map BO Complete JSON Extract and Map BO Partial JSON Extract were added to be used by the API to pull all seats and related information and the seat information respectively in JSON format. |
AVD-19804 |
Promotion Codes on bundles are not being activated when an offer is added to an order. |
AVD-18499 |
Online - Links to bundles with articles cause errors. |
AVD-18860 |
Desktop - There is no validation on admission customers when an event is purchased through a promotion code. |
AVD-18931 |
The Customer Load script fails if an address source file was being used but no address record existed for a specific customer. The script has been updated so that address records are optional when an address source file is being used. |
AVD-19222 |
Saving an order with questions causes an error. |
AVD-19605 |
The gift renewal amount is not being populated when an Update Order ( Payment Fail OK ) 'Renewal Type' is being run. |
AVD-19611 |
When there are multiple seating requests, all of the charges are being associated in memory with the last request. |
AVD-19724 |
The Event Host Settlement report is not calculating contract fees correctly. |
AVD-19757 |
Online - Server errors |
AVD-19873 |
The Performance Pricing by Price Type report cannot be output to .CSV. |
AVD-19927 |
The repricing that occurs when exchanging events in a bundle causes an error. |
AVD-19972 |
The Performance Pricing by Date report cannot be output to .CSV. |
AVD-20010 |
The 'Sort Hint' on the General Configuration application Lists|Entires page does not always apply the sorting. |
AVD-20048 |
Kiosk - An error occurs when customers select a payment while purchasing tickets. |
AVD-20101 |