The following table outlines the changes made in AudienceView Unlimited 7.39.0:
Script - Remove Admissions and Refund Payments. The Remove Admissions and Refund Payments allows you to remove admissions (and their associated charges) from a set of orders and deal with the resulting balances by either: 1.Refunding the full balance to a fixed payment method (account credit, gift card), regardless of the original payment method. 2.Refunding the full balance to the original payment method. 3.Adding a gift for the full amount. 4.Adding a miscellaneous item for the full amount. 5.Adding a stored value item for the full amount. 6.Splitting the refund between a fixed payment method and a gift, miscellaneous item or stored value item. 7.Splitting the refund between the original payment method and a gift, miscellaneous item or stored value item. |
AV-11529 |
Online - Display the payment method terms and conditions. The Body article assigned to the payment method's 'Detailed Description' field (General Configuration - Payment Methods|Basic page) will now appear below the selected payment method on the orderContact.asp page. A link also appears on the viewOrder.asp page. |
AV-12851 AV-13113 |
Online - Customers can view their customer account balances. The balance appears in a new top bar when customers with balances greater than zero log into their accounts. The balance can be exposed or hidden using the existing Registry settings or Group|Attributes (Registry::EN::TScustomerBO::Balances::Amount node). The field label can be modified using the Registry::EN::Application::Online::Navigation::Account Balance node. To change the color of the bar or the color of the text in it, update the following rules in your CSS. •Text Color: #orderInfoSecondBar{color: <color>} •Background Color: #orderInfoSecondBar{background-color: <color>} Where <color> is the value of the colour representation, like rgba(255, 20, 20, 0.8), #AA0AA0 or purple. |
AV-12213 |
Online - Display price type information The information entered in the price type 'Description' field (Legend - Price Types|Details) displays when selecting a price type on the seat map page (mapSelect.asp), and in the quantity selection on the best available page (seatSelect.asp). |
AV-12347 |
AudienceView Re-Branding As part of our corporate rebranding, all instances of the word AudienceView within the application have been reviewed. In most cases, they have been updated to AudienceView Unlimited. In a few cases, we took the opportunity to remove or completely change the label. Most notably, My AudienceView has changed to My Notes and Shortcuts. |
AV-10538 |
Desktop - User Settings, Locations 'Locations' can be set on the Application Security - Groups|Basic page, providing better control of the payment terminals and printers available to users. The list of 'Locations' presented in the Change Your Settings dialog box (SHIFT+ S) reflect the locations selected on the group. If the user is in multiple groups all of the valid locations will be available. If the user has only one valid location, it is selected by default. A 'Location' dropdown has been added to the payment terminal and printer configurations in the Registry. If there is only one valid payment terminal or printer for the user, it is selected by default. If a 'Location' is set, then the terminals and printers with that location and the terminals and printers without locations will be available. If no location is set, then only the terminals and printers that do not have a location will be available. |
AV-11783 |
Configurable tickets.pdf filename. The name of the tickets.pdf file (tickets emailed or downloaded) can be altered using the Registry - Registry::EN::Application node's 'Tickets Filename' field. Do not use special characters (' < > : " / \ | ? *). |
AV-11868 |
Online - Update the way the calendar widget uses search articles. When a customer clicks on a date in a: •Body Article: The 'Article Search' article is used to display the results. •Feature Article linked to Body Article: The 'Article Search' article assigned to the Body article is used to display the results. |
AV-12345 |
Updated the message displayed when a user reprints or cancels an admission is listed for resale. It now says Tickets listed for resale cannot be reprinted or canceled. |
AV-12886 |
Upgrade ckEditor (4.14) and ckFinder (2.6.3) ckEditor and ckFinder are used when uploading and managing images and files in the Desktop. The only changes you might noticed: •ckEditor: The word and paragraph count are no longer available. Character count is still available. •ckFinder: You can now upload and delete multiple files in a single click. |
ENG-271 |
Extend the minimum password length for all users to eight characters. The new requirement exceeds the PCI minimum requirements (seven characters) for back office passwords and meets OWASP best practice recommendations for strong consumer passwords. Although the minimum password length may be increased, it cannot be reduced below eight characters. Existing passwords are not affected. The new minimum length will apply the next time a password is changed. |
ENG-314 |
Reduce the number of allowed failed login attempts to six. The maximum number of allowed failed login attempts has been reduced to six for all user. This is the maximum value allowed by PCI. |
ENG-324 ENG-385 |
POS - Update to AngularJS 1.7.9 |
ENG-345 |
Online - All traffic between customers and the servers is always HTTPS. As part of our commitment to security, AudienceView Unlimited now only supports HTTPS for all web pages. The Registry settings that allowed self-hosted clients to use a mix of HTTP and HTTPS pages has been removed. |
ENG-395 |
New Business Intelligence - Sub-totals are working correctly in the preview, but are missing from the HTML, PDF and CSV extracts. This has been corrected in New Business Intelligence, but remains a limitation in Business Intelligence. |
AV-2853 |
New Business Intelligence - Sub-totals based on formulas do not return a result. This has been corrected in New Business Intelligence, but remains a limitation in Business Intelligence. |
AV-9221 |
Desktop - Guide Center appears in some incorrect places The Guide Center no longer appears in the HTML output of reports, and only appears once in the Registry (bottom-right corner of the main section). |
AV-4945 AV-12077 |
API - Cannot update the delivery method(s) in memory. Previous, any v2 API call that did not include a specified action would have insert automatically called. The v2 API now requires an explicit insert action call. If you have any calls that do not include insert, add something like this to the body of the v2 API call: ` "actions": [ { "method": "insert" } ], |
AV-5022 |
Order admissions cannot be canceled or reprinted nor can a 'Price Type' be changed if any admission on the order is Listed for resale ('Resale Status'). |
AV-11074 AV-11503 |
Desktop - The layout of the exchange pages is incorrect when using touch screen devices with larger displays (a touch screen PC). |
AV-11899 |
Online - There are a number of bugs related to in Internet Explorer related to the bootstrap/jQuery upgrades. |
AV-12083 AV-12098 |
Reports/Charts - Charts output from BI do not have consistent logo paths or styling. The styling for the BI name is now pulled from the Registry - System::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Styling::Report Title Style node and the logo path is now pulled from Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Reports::Header Logo Image node. |
AV-12325 |
Online - Sub-menus are not rendering properly. This issue was introduced in 7.38.0 during the bootstrap and jQuery upgrade. |
AV-12743 |
WebAPI v2 - authenticateUser, logout and initializeSite calls generate a server error. |
AV-12717 |
Payment Gateway - Unable to process credit cards through PayPal PayFlow Pro. PayPal now requires the customer's state and country information to process the payments. The information is now sent to the PayFlow Pro gateway for all transactions. Because PayPal also requires a three character numeric country code, ISO Numeric 3 Countries system list was added. |
AV-13180 |
Desktop - There are minor layout issues due to the Bootstrap upgrade. |
ENG-261 ENG-279 |
Identified an SQL Injection vulnerability. |
ENG-365 |
Identified an XSS vulnerabilities both in the Desktop and online. The issue has been addressed. |
ENG-380 |
Identified an sToken exposed in URLs to reduce vulnerabilities. The issue has been addressed. |
ENG-392 |
Update the Apple Wallet Certificate |
ENG-418 |