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Address Verification System (AVS) Settings

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The address verification system (AVS) requires that the billing address used for the transaction matches in whole or in part, the address registered to the cardholder. The idea is that as a cardholder, I know the format of my address on my credit card account, and a person committing fraud might not.


To adjust the address verification settings:

1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.

2.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Payment Gateways::Bluefin node.

3.The followings lists the default AVS settings and their meanings:


Default Value




DFJMQVXY: Address and ZIP code match

U: No data from issuer/banknet switch

R: AVS unable to process

S: Issuing bank does not support AVS

E: Error, AVS not supported for your business

I: Address not verifiable (International)

G: Global non-verifiable address (International)

?: Unrecognized codes/No AVS data (none of the above)



LWZ: ZIP code match, address is wrong

ABOP: Address match, ZIP code is wrong    

KN: No match, address and ZIP are wrong

C: Invalid address and ZIP format (International)

1.If you want more addresses to pass, for example Zip code match, move the corresponding letters/letter set to 'avs_results_accepted' field.

2.If you want to be stricter and decline more addresses, for example, international addresses, move the letter/letter set to 'avs_results_rejected' field.

3.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.



When the entered address does not match the credit card holder’s address, the transaction might be declined or authorized by the payment processor. If it is authorized, the gateway’s AVS settings in AudienceView Unlimited are enforced. If the settings do not allow mismatched addresses, a reversal request is sent to the gateway. These payments might appear in the customer’s online credit card statement under Pending or Authorized Transactions. After a day or two (depending on the bank), the declined transaction will be removed from the statement completely, and the amount will never be added to the credit card total.

To help reduce customer confusion, you can update the generic, default messages in the Registry - Registry::EN::Alerts::Info node:

2013: The CVV is incorrect.

2014: The addresses do not match.

2015: The CVV is incorrect, and the addresses do not match.