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General Configuration

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General Configuration-6.8

General Configuration is used to create and maintain general items that can used during day-to-day business (payment methods, ticket templates, delivery methods, passes, memberships, lists, questions, reports, scripts and account linkage types).



GEN-Payment Method-Tab

Allows you to create, modify and delete the methods of payment used by your organization.


Allows you to create/configure ticket templates that represent admissions, gift certificates, signature cards, receipts, address cards and other items.

GEN-Delivery Method Tab

Allows you to create/configure the delivery methods that customers can use to receive their orders (will call, email).

GEN-Exchanges Tab

Allows you to create/configure exchange rules for single tickets and Bundles.

GEN-Passes Tab

Allows you to create/configure passes that customers can use to access multiple events, obtain certain miscellaneous items or obtain membership benefits.

GEN-Membership Tab

Allows you to give customers and donors access to promotions or benefits through memberships.

GEN-List Tab

Allows you to configure lists of values.

GEN-Questions Tab

Allows you to create/attach questions to specific events and miscellaneous items to be displayed on an order. The questions can then be used for reporting purposes.

GEN-Reports Tab

Allows you to create/configure reports that can be used in Business Intelligence and Reports.

GEN-Script Definitions Tab-6.8

Allows you to define which sources will be run in conjunction with scripts.

GEN-Scripts Tab-6.8

Allows you to create/configure scripts in JavaScript.

GEN-Linkage Tab

Allows you to define a relationships/link customer accounts (employer/employee, organization/member).

GEN-Payment Gateways Tab

Allows you to reset payment gateway terminals and close payment gateway batch processes.