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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The following image illustrates the Application Security - Users|Preferences page:


The Application Security - Users|Preferences page contains the following properties:



Customer View

Default: customerBasic.asp

Defines where users will be redirected when a customer is loaded.

customerBasic.asp: When a main customer is selected users will be directed to the Customer|Basic page. When a secondary contact is selected, users will be taken to the Customer|Advanced page.

customerActivities.asp: When an account is selected users will be directed to the Customer|Activities page.


This field is case sensitive.

Default Best Available Workflow

Default: Price Type

Defines the best available workflow that will be used in the Desktop. Users can toggle between the two options.

Price Type: Returns the best available seats by price type

Price Zone: Returns the best available price types by price zone.
This field is case sensitive.

Default Business Intelligence Search Object

Default: TSorderCO

Defines the collection object that users will use when searching.

You can change the value to any of the following:






TSgiftCO (donations)











This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Activities Correspondence Search

Default: Default Customer Activities Correspondence Search

Defines the BI query that is used in the correspondence search section of the Customer Services - Customer|Activities page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Activities Note Search

Default: Default Customer Activities Note Search

Defines the BI query that is used in the note search section of the Customer Services - Customer|Activities page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Activities Offer Search

Default: Default Customer Activities Offer Search

Defines the BI query that is used in the offer search section of the Customer Services - Customer|Activities page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Activities Opportunity Search

Default: Default Customer Activities Opportunity Search

Defines the BI query that is used in the opportunity search section of the Customer Services - Customer|Activities page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer History Gift Search

Default: Default Customer History Gift By Fiscal Year

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a customer search on the Customer Services - Customer|History|Gift page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer History Membership Points Search

Default: Default Customer History Membership Points Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a customer search on the Customer Services - Customer|History|Point page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer History Orders

Default: Default Customer History Orders

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a customer search on the Customer Services - Customer|History|Orders page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Notes Search

Default: Default Customer Notes Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a customer search on the Customer Services - Customer|Notes page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Customer Search

Default: Default Customer Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a customer search on the Customer Services - Customer|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Exchange Events Search

Default: Default Exchange Events Search

Defines the BI query that is used when searching for Exchange To events after clicking 'Exchange' on the Customer Services - Order|Bundles|Seats page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Gift Search

Default: Default Gift Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a gift search on the Customer Services - Gift|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Item Search

Default: Default Item Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a miscellaneous item search on the Customer Services - Miscellaneous Items|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default My Notes Tab View

Default: Created

Defines the page that will automatically open when clicking on the My Notes and Shortcuts - My Notes|Home page.

Default Offers Search

Default: Default Offers Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing an offers search on the Customer Services - Offers|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Order Search

Default: Default Order Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing an order search on the Customer Services - Order|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Default Seats Search

Default: Default Seats Search

Defines the BI query that is used when performing a seat search on the Customer Services - Events|Search page.

This field is case sensitive.

Map Legend Button Admissions

Default: 1

Defines whether or not the expandable 'Admissions' accordion is displayed on the Customer Services - Events|Map page:

1: The 'Admissions' accordion is displayed (binary on)

0: The 'Admissions' accordion is not displayed (binary off)

Map Legend Button Holds

Default: 0

Defines whether or not the expandable 'Holds' accordion is displayed on the Customer Services - Events|Map page:

1: The 'Holds' accordion is displayed (binary on)

0: The 'Holds' accordion is not displayed (binary off)

Map Legend Button Prices

Default: 1

Defines whether or not the expandable 'Prices' accordion is displayed on the Customer Services - Events|Map page:

1: The 'Prices' accordion is displayed (binary on)

0: The 'Prices' accordion is not displayed (binary off)

New Order Holds Customer

Default: no

Defines whether or not the currently loaded customer will be retained when the 'New Order' button is clicked

no: Indicates new orders will not contain a customer.

yes: Indicates new orders will contain the current customer. For example, if you set this to yes and create an order for customer Joe Smith. Creating a new order would assign the same customer (Joe Smith) to the new order.

This impacts new orders created from the following pages in Customer Services:






Next Customer Landing Page

Default: seatSearch.asp

Defines the page where users will be redirected when the 'Next Customer' button is clicked. While this field can be set to any page within Customer Services, it is recommended that you only set it to one of the following:









This field is case sensitive.

Event View

Default: seatMap.asp

Defines the page that will automatically display when users select an event link from the Events|Search page.

You can enter any of the following ASP pages to redirect the user to the selected page:

seatMap.asp: Loads the Events|Map page.

seatAvailability.asp: Loads the Events|Availability page.

seatBestAvail.asp: Loads the Events|Best Available page.

quickSale.asp: Loads the Events|Quick Sale page.

eventCalendar.asp: Loads the Events|Calendar page.


This field is case sensitive.