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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



User Details Section

Logins Section

Group/Role Assignment Sections

User Data Section



The following image illustrates the Application Security - Users|Basic page:


APP-Users Basic-7.26


User Details Section

The following image illustrates the User Details section of the Application Security - Users|Basic page:

APP-Users Basic_details-7.25

The User Details section of the Application Security - Users|Basic page contains the following properties:



User Name

The user name that the user will use to login.

First Name

The user's first name.

Middle Name

The user's middle name.

Last Name

The user's last name.

Greeting Name

The user's name that displays online above the link to the shopping cart when the user is logged in.

By default, this field is populated with the information entered in the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields.


The user's email address.


The user's preferred language.


The relationship between users/customers and various aspects of your organization, so that people can more accurately be targeted for marketing purposes. For example, by setting the 'Association' on a venue and some merchandise to Opera you can target those customers who purchased tickets to the opera and/or a related T-shirt with future opera offers. When an 'Association' is set on a user, any transactions completed by the user will be applied to the respective customer.

For more information, refer to Customer Associations and Message Sources.

Start Date

The date that the user will become active. If a date is not selected, the date/time when the user was created will be used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date.

End Date

The date that the user will expire.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date.

Override Timeout

The amount of time before a system override times out.

Click durationIcon-7.X to select a duration or calendarIcon-7.X to select a date

Default Dashboard

The default dashboard that will appear on the Desktop.

Once a dashboard report has been saved, it will appear in this dropdown. The 'Default Dashboard' can also be set using the Application Security - Roles|Basic page. This setting overrides the setting on the Roles|Basic page.

Default Theme

The default colour theme for the sections of the Desktop that have been converted to the new UI.


Logins Section

The Logins section of the Users|Basic page displays information about the last time that the user logged into the system. The 'Change Password' button appears when an existing user has been loaded.


The following image illustrates the Logins section of the Application Security - Users|Basic page:

APP-Users Basic_logins-7.25

The Logins section of the Application Security - Users|Basic page contains the following properties:



Failed Login Attempts

The total number of failed login attempts the user has made.

Number of allowed failed login attempts

The number of times that the user can attempt (and fail) to login before the user is locked.

Last Failed Login Was On

The most recent date that the user had a failed login attempt.


The user's password.

The password is masked when it is entered into the field.

Confirm Password

The user's password must be entered again to confirm that it matches the one entered in the 'Password' field.

The password is masked when it is entered into the field.

Expiry Rule

When you would like the user's password to expire:

Expire Now: Expires the password immediately.

Does Not Expire: The password never expires.

Normal: The password expiration date is set to the one predefined in the system.

Password Expires On

The date that user's password expires.


Group/Role Assignment Sections

The following image illustrates the Group Assignment and Role Assignment sections of the Application Security - Users|Basic page:

APP-Users Basic_assignments-7.25

The assigned group/role sections of the Users|Basic page allows you to assign specific user groups and roles to a user. To assign groups/roles to a user, select the groups/roles from the Available Groups/Available Roles list and click '>' to move them to the list. To remove a group/role from the Assigned Groups/Assigned Roles lists, select the group/role and click '<'.

The 'Default Desktop Role' dropdown allows you to set the role that the user will automatically be assigned when logging into the Desktop. If a 'Default Desktop Role' is not selected, the user will be logged in as the first role in the 'Assigned Roles' field. An alternate role can be selected from the Desktop. Only the roles listed in the 'Assigned Roles' field will be available in the 'Default Desktop Role' dropdown.


User Data Section

The following image illustrates the User Data section of the User|Basic page:

APP-Users Basic_data-7.25

The User Data section of the Event Configuration - User|Basic page contains the following properties:



Data [1-8]

Store additional information specific to your organization.

Any data entered into these fields is searchable through Business Intelligence. To modify a data field label, navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User node and select the appropriate field that you want to re-label.

Multidata [1-2]

Store additional information specific to your organization. Click addField-7.X to add additional fields.

Any data entered into these fields is searchable through Business Intelligence. To modify a multidata field label, navigate to the Registry - Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User node and select the field that you want to re-label.