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Navigation: Registry > System Settings > Default Settings

Default Reporting & BI Database

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Your IT department (for Enterprise clients) or the Hosting department (for Hosted clients) can configure separate databases for transactions and reporting. This allows you to run reports and BI queries without hindering transactions.

If a separate reporting database has been configured, you can set the default database that will appear in the 'Database' dropdown found in the Saved Report Configuration section of the Generated Reports|Parameters and Saved Reports|Parameters pages or the run lists section of the Business Intelligence|Results page.

To set the default reporting database:

1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.

2.If you want to set the default database for reports:

a.Navigate to the Registry::Business Objects::TSreportBO::Reports::Database node.

b.Enter the name of the reporting database in the 'Default Value' field.
The value entered should match the 'Node Name' of the database configured in the Registry - System::Databases section.
For more information, refer to System Databases.

c.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated

If you want to set the default database for BI queries:

a.Navigate to the System::Application node.

b.Enter the name of the reporting database in the 'Default Value' field.
The value entered should match the 'Node Name' of the database configured in the Registry - System::Databases section.
For more information, refer to System Databases.

c.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.