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AudienceView Unlimited 7  Product Guides

The Registry Utilities page allows you to purge encrypted customer cardholder information based on your organization's retention period.



The Registry - Utilities page only displays the database columns that have been encrypted.

To purge encrypted cardholder data:

1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.

2.Select the Utilities tab.
The Registry Utilities page appears.

3.Select the 'Purge?' check box next to the column 'Column Name' that you want to purge.

4.Retention Interval: Click durationIcon-7.X to select the duration or retention period as a relative date.
The 'Retention Interval' settings will remain from the last time the purge was executed.

5.Click 'Purge'.
A warning message appears indicating the number of records that will be affected by the purge, and which columns will be purged.
The message prompts you to confirm the purging of the identified records.

6.Click 'OK'
A message appears confirming the completion of the purge.

7.Click 'OK'.
The 'Last Purge Retention Date' and 'Last Purge Affected Records' columns are updated to reflect the most recent purge.