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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Refund allocations are used to balance overpaid orders. This is done by applying a negative allocation amount to the order.

This amount is equal and opposite of the overpayment amount, and is applied in the following order:

1.Donations or Gifts.

2.Requests plus any service charges and taxes.

3.Order charges plus any miscellaneous items, delivery charges, bundle charges or taxes.

4.Admissions plus any associated taxes and service charges.

5.Gift Certificates or Gift Cards.

Suppose that after making a full payment to an existing $510.00 order, a customer changed a Senior Admission to a Junior Admission. This resulted in an overpaid balance of $100.00.

The order was modified as follows:

Order Item

Net Value

Service Charges

Grand Total

Adult Admission




Senior Admission

Junior Admission







Miscellaneous Charge










Upon revising the order, the order is balanced by issuing the customer a refund of $100.00.

This results in the following transactions:

Transaction ID

Transaction Type




Order Creation




Customer Payment




Change Admission

- $100.00



Negative Adjustment



This refund is applied as follows:
