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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To access the TenderRetail payment gateway navigate to the Registry - System::Configuration::Payment Gateways node.




For those gateways that support multiple types of payments (Credit or Debit), add a new 'Key' to the Payment Gateways list in the format of PaymentGateway::PaymentType (TenderRetail::Credit). For more information, refer to General Configuration - Lists.




AVS Results Accepted (Amex, JCB)

Default: Y,U,S,M,W

AVS Results Accepted (Discover)

Default: X,A,W,S,G

AVS Results Accepted (MasterCard)

Default: S,U,W,X,Y

AVS Results Accepted (Visa)

Default: D,G,I,M,S,U,W,X,Y

AVS Results Rejected (Amex, JCB)

Default: N,A,Z,R,L,O,K,D,E,F

AVS Results Rejected (Discover)

Default: Y,T,Z,N,U

AVS Results Rejected (MasterCard)

Default: A,N,R,Z

AVS Results Rejected (Visa)

Default: A,B,C,N,P,R,Z

Enable AVS (Moneris Only)

Default: No

Turns on AVS for Moneris.



Contact your Moneris representative before enabling AVS.

PIN Pad timeout

Default: 120

This parameter sets the value for the socket receive timeout in seconds if a PIN pad is used.


Name or IP of the computer running the Tender Retail software (Merchant Connect Multi).

This is provided by TenderRetail.


Port number of the computer running the Tender Retail software (Merchant Connect Multi).

This is provided by TenderRetail.


Default: C:\AudienceView\PaymentGateways\TenderRetail\TenderRetail.dll

The absolute path to the payment gateway DLL.


Read-only: External

Payments are processed by an external third party.


Read-only: Round Robin

The gateway can queue the requests on its terminals.


Default: All

All: Requires terminal for all transactions (swiped and keyed).

No: Does not require terminal at all.

PINPad: PINPads require terminals

Non-ECommerce: This is used for gateways that do not process payments..


Default: 30

TCP/IP timeout, in seconds.


Moneris AVS Codes

The following is a list of AVS response codes from MasterCard:

A: Address matches, postal code does not.

N: Neither address nor postal code match.

R: Retry; system unable to process.

S: AVS not currently supported.

U: No data from issuer/authorization system.

W: For US addresses, nine-digit postal code and addresses matches; for addresses outside the US, postal code matches, address does not.

X: For US addresses, nine-digit postal code and addresses matches; for addresses outside the US, postal code and address match.

Y: For US addresses, five-digit postal code and address matches.

Z: For US addresses, five-digit postal code matches, address does not.

The following is a list of AVS response codes from Amex or JCB transactions:

Y: Billing address and postal code both match

N: Billing address and postal code do not match

A: Billing address matches, postal code does not

Z:  Postal code matches, billing address does not

U: Information is unavailable

S: AVS not currently supported

R: System unavailable; retry

L: CM name and postal code match

M: CM name, billing address, and postal code match

O: CM name and billing address match

K: CM name matches

D: CM name incorrect, postal code matches

E: CM name incorrect, billing address and postal code match

F: CM name incorrect, billing address matches

W: CM name, billing address, and postal code are all correct


The following is a list of AVS response codes from Visa:

A: The street address matches but the postal/ZIP code does not, or the request does not include the postal/ZIP code.

B: Street address matches, but postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.)

C: Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.)

D: Street address and postal code match.

G: Address information not verified for international transaction.

I: Address information not verified.

M: Street address and postal code match.

N: No match. Acquirer sent postal/ZIP code only, or street address only, or both postal code and street address.

P: Postal code match. Acquirer sent both postal code and street address, but street address was not verified due to incompatible formats.

R: Retry; system was unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs its own AVS but was unavailable. Available for US issuers only.

S: Not applicable. If present, replaced with G (for international) or U (for domestic) by V.I.P. Available for U.S. Issuers only.

U: Address not verified for domestic transaction. Visa check failed because: no AVS information was available on record; issuer is not an AVS participant; or AVS data was resent in the request but issuer did not return an AVS result.

W: Not applicable. If present, replaced with Z by VIP. Available for US issuers only.

X: Not applicable. If present, replaced with Y by VIP. Available for US issuers only.

Y: Street address and postal code match.

Z: Postal/ZIP matches, but street address does not match, or was not included in request.