Worksheet Use this worksheet to plan your payment method configuration before you start building them.
For more information about configuring payment methods, refer to General Configuration - Payment Methods. |
The payment methods available on an order are based on the payment methods assigned to the events, bundles, miscellaneous items and gifts being purchased. When multiple items are on an order, you only see payment methods that are common to all items. If you add two events to an order, and tickets to Event A can be paid for with Cash and Visa, and Event B can be paid for by Visa and Mastercard, you can only use Visa for the sale. If you’re using a role that doesn’t have permission to use Visa as a payment, you won’t be able to use Visa at all.
Payment methods have different types for specific use cases. Don’t confuse a payment method’s type with a specific payment method such as Visa, Mastercard or Cash.
Here are the five most frequently used payment method types:
•Local: Typically, a cash payment. This can also be used to indicate a stock transfer, electronic money transfer or another payment method that is local to your environment and doesn’t require communication with a payment gateway.
•Cheque: Similar to a local payment, but additional fields on the payment entry screen allow you to capture further details. You can configure specific fields as mandatory like capturing a cheque number to aid in reconciliation.
•Credit Card: These payment types communicate with an external payment gateway to process transactions.
•Account: A payment type that allows customers to hold a balance on their accounts. You can use this if customers can return tickets for credit. Make sure that you set the gateway to Account, too. Customers can use their account balances when for online orders.
•Gift Card: Both Gift Card and Gift Certificates have identical functionality even though they may mean different things depending on your jurisdiction.
•In Canada, we also have a Debit Card payment method type for in-person payments via a customer’s debit/bank card.
These payment methods are typically included:
•American Express
•Gift Certificate
•Gift Card
Here are the most frequently used fields when configuring your payment methods:
•Name: The name of the payment method.
•Displayed Label: After saving the payment method, the ‘Label’ field automatically populates with the same contents as the ‘Name’ field. If you have multiple payment methods that you want to display the same, such as multiple American Express payment methods, you can set the ‘Label’ as American Express and the unique names for each variant: American Express Online and American Express In-person, for example.
•Description: Available for further details, this field is an option when searching for payment methods. Not visible by your customers.
•Detailed Description: A Body article assigned to the payment method that appears as Payment Method Terms and Conditions during the purchase flow.
•GL Code: Used to align the payment method with your chart of accounts.
•GL Description [1-2]: Fields for additional information for the various General Ledger reports.
•Roles Allowed to Accept Payment Method: This setting can be used to restrict payment methods based on the user’s role. You can exclude Cash for any Internet-related roles, for example.
•Receipt Template: Select a ticket template if you want to print a receipt for you or your customer’s records.
•Signature Template: Select a ticket template if you want to print a signature card for your records.