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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Navigation: Customer Services > Customer Services - Gifts

Customer Services - Gifts|Search Page

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The Customer Services - Gifts|Search page allows you to search for and select on-sale gifts. When the 'Search' button is clicked, results that match the entered search criteria are displayed in the Select Gift section, allowing you to add a gift to an order or an offer.

The following image illustrates the Customer Services - Gifts|Search page:



The Customer Services - Gifts|Search page enables you to search for on-sale/available gifts using the following criteria:



Gift Name

Filters the search based on the gift's name.

Short Description

Filters the search based on the gift's short description.


Filters the search based on the gift's description.

Promotion Access Code

Enhances and expands the search, unlockng gifts that would not be available otherwise.

Enter a promo code and click 'Go'. You can activate multiple promotions.

If a customer has a benefit, the related promotion(s) are activated automatically.

All active promotions are listed at the top of the page.

Click 'Clear' to deactivate any entered promo codes.

Other searches can be created using Business Intelligence and Reports. For more information, refer to Business Intelligence and Reports - Business Intelligence.