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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To move seats and update their details:

1.Open Event Configuration from the Desktop.
The Venue|Search page appears.

2.Search for and select the venue that you want to work with.
The Venue|Basic page appears.

3.Select the Seats tab.
The Venue|Seats page appears.

4.Select the seat(s) that you want to move, and drag the selection to the new position.

5.Once you select seats, their details appear in the seat details section allowing you to update the values.
If you have selected more than one seat, the values will be updated for all of the seats.

6.Click 'OK'.



When making changes, always click 'OK' in the seat details section and then click 'Apply' to save your changes.

7.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the venue was updated.

8.Click 'OK'.