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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The Event Configuration - Price Charts|History|Search page allows you to search for changes made to the selected price chart and select changes to view in detail on the Price Charts|History|Details page.

The following image illustrates the Event Configuration - Price Charts|History|Search page:


EVE-Price Charts-History-Search-7.18

The Event Configuration - Price Charts|History|Search page enables you to search for existing price chart history using the following criteria:



User Name

Filters the search based on the user name of the person who updated the price chart.

User Role

Filters the search based on the user role of the person who updated the price chart.

Audit Time

Filters the search based on the date the price chart was updated. You can enter a single date or date range.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.