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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Once suggested gifts have been enabled, gifts can be configured so that they are presented to customers in a pop-up when they purchase certain items.

To configure a suggested gift:

1.Open Funds Management from the Desktop.
The Programs|Search page appears.

2.Select the Gifts tab.
The Gifts|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the gift that you want to suggest.
The Gifts|Details page appears.

4.Complete the following:

oSuggested Gift Roles: Select the role(s) that will be suggested the gift.



The gift being suggested and the items used to suggest the gift must also be available to the selected role(s).


If you select a role, but do not complete any of the other fields in the suggested gift criteria section, the gift will be the default gift for the role (if you select Internet, the gift will be suggested to all Online customers. Any other suggested gifts (on events, bundles and miscellaneous items) override the default gift.

oSuggested Gift Events: Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the event(s) that will be suggested the gift.

oSuggested Gift Bundles: Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the bundle(s) that will be suggested the gift.



Bundle level suggested gifts will search the contents of the bundle for the highest ranked suggested gift. If a suggested gift within the bundle out ranks the bundle's suggested gift, that gift will be displayed.

oSuggested Gift Miscellaneous Items: Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the miscellaneous item(s) that will be suggested the gift.

oPrompt for Suggested Gift: Select when you want the suggested gift pop-up to appear:

After Shopping Cart: The gift is suggested when the customer decides to go to the shopping cart.

Before Seat Selection: The gift is suggested when the customers first goes to the seat map or best available pages in a grey bar at the top of the page.
The pop-up contains a pre-selected 'I'll Donate' check box. A gift is added to the order at the same time as the seats.
The 'Description' field is used as the prompt text. We recommend including the suggested amount as part of the description (A gift of 10% of your order will be added).



This option is currently only available for for single events.

When it is selected anything selected in the 'Suggested Bundle' and 'Suggested Miscellaneous Item' fields is ignored.

5.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the program was updated.

6.Click 'OK'.




Suggested gifts are displayed in their 'Rank' order. The gift with the highest rank will be displayed.

If an image is added to 'Logo 1' of the gift, the image will appear in the suggested gift pop-up.