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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Payment Fees Section

Event Fees Section



The Contracts|Fees page allows you to manage the values for fees that are remitted to organizations. You can determine the payment rates for payment methods (credit cards) or fees against purchases for particular events.


The following image illustrates the Organization Management - Contracts|Fees page:



Payment Fees Section

The following image illustrates the Payment Fees section of the Organization Management - Contract|Fees page:



The Payment Fees section of the of the Organization Management - Contracts|Fees page contains the following properties:



Payment Fee Calculation

Determines what the payment fees will be calculated against:

Exclude Deducted Charge Types: The fee will be calculated on the full value of the payments minus any charge types that are configured as deductions for the settlement.

Exclude All Charges: The fee will be calculated on the net value of the payments, excluding all charges.

Full Payment: The fee will be calculated on the full value of the payments.


The name of the payment fee.

Payment Method

The payment method that the percentage will be deducted from.



It is recommended that you create a payment method with a distinct name so that producer payment fees can be tracked.


The percentage that will deducted from the selected payment method.



The rate must include a percentage symbol (%).

Event Fees Section

The following image illustrates the Event Fees section of the General Configuration - Contracts|Fees page:



The Event Fees section of the of the Organization Management - Contracts|Fees page contains the following properties:




The name of the event fee


The producer can earn fees against the event in the following ways:

Flat rate per Event: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be applied per event.

Flat rate per Ticket: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be applied per ticket sold.

One Time: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be deducted from a settlement once regardless of the number of events, orders or tickets.

Percentage of Sales: The fee is a percentage of the net sales.



If selecting Percentage of Sales, the 'Rate' must include a percentage symbol (%).


The monetary or percent value of the fee. The rate will be calculated per the selected 'Option'.