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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The Organization Management - Settlements|Search page allows you to search for and select a previously processed settlements. When the 'Search' button is clicked, results that match the entered search criteria are displayed in the Select Settlement section.


When a settlement is selected the Settlements|Basic page appears.


Once you have selected a settlement, you can use the '˄' and '˅' navigation buttons at the top of the screen to browse through all of the results.

The following image illustrates the Organization Management - Settlements|Search page:


The Organization Management - Settlements|Search page enables you to search for existing settlements using the following criteria:



Settlement Name

Filters the search based on the name of the settlement.

Settlement Organization

Filters the search based on the organization associated with the settlement.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for an organization.

Settlement Description

Filters the search based on the description of the settlement for which you are searching.

Settlement Performance

Filters the search based on the event(s) that were settled.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for an event