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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The available date/time formats are defined in the Registry - Registry::EN::Primitives::Subtypes node, and are based on the default date and time format configuration.

Date formats are case sensitive.


The following subtypes can be applied to various date/time fields in the Registry:


Default Format


Date Formats




Long Date

EEEE dd MMMM yyyy

Thursday 31 January 2024

Medium Date

dd MMMM yyyy

31 January 2024

Short Date



Dates and Times

Use HH to use the 24-hour clock

Use hh to use the 12-hour clock

Long Date Time

EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm

Thursday 31 January 2024 23:05

Long Time



Medium Date Time

dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm

31 January 2024 23:05

Short Date Time

dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm

31-01-2024 23:05

Short Time




hh:mm a

11:05 pm


When a field is used for display purposes only (read-only) and does not accept input, the formatting defined via the date and time format will be used. If one of the supported date and time subtypes is applied to the field then this subtypes overrides the date and time primitive formatting.

If the field accepts input the system non-configurable editable format will be applied to allow for quick editing.

The editable format for currency fields removes the currency symbol and any thousand separator.


The editable format for number fields removes the thousand separator.


The editable format for date/time fields uses a short date (numerical) and time that is specific to the locale defined in the Registry. The separators and ordering of the date components are determined by the locale. For example, en_GB would provide dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM while en_US would provide mm/dd/yy, hh:mm a.