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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Navigation: Registry > System Settings

FlashParking Gateway

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If you have a FlashParking enabled parking lot, you can create events to sell parking to your customers. Customers can then scan their tickets to gain access to the parking lot on the day of an event.


To configure a FlashParking gateway:

1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.

2.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Gateways::FlashParking node.

3.Update the following information in the <default> section of the 'init string' field with the information provided by FlashParking:

a.Username: Enter your FlashParking username

b.Password: Enter your FlashParking password

c.LocationID: Enter the ID used by FlashParking to identify your parking lot.
If you have multiple parking lots, you might have multiple FlashParking nodes with different 'LocationIDs'.

d.Prefix: This is added to the barcode so FlashParking can identify the system that sold the parking ticket.

e.endDateOffset: You can also adjust the amount of time that a parking ticket can be used. If your parking event does not have an 'End Date', the barcode will expire 24 hours (by default) after the event's 'Start Date'.
This value can only be set in hours.

4.library_path: If necessary, update the path to the FlashParking.dll.
The default location is C:\AudienceView\DeliveryGateways\FlashParking\FlashParking.dll.

5.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.

6.Click 'OK'.

Default init string



If you are copying/pasting the code below into the 'init string' field, you need to click in the field and hit ENTER before pasting it. Otherwise, everything will appear on one line.


This is the default init string:





           <item name="ticket_id">Tickets::ticket_id</item>

           <item name="id">Tickets::ticket_number</item>

           <item name="customerName">Contact::contact_greeting_name</item>

           <item name="start">PerformanceDetails::start_date</item>

           <item name="end">PerformanceDetails::end_date</item>

           <item name="duration">PerformanceDetails::description</item>



           <item name="ticket_id">Tickets::ticket_id</item>

           <item name="id">Tickets::ticket_number</item>

           <item name="customerName">Contact::contact_greeting_name</item>

           <item name="start">PerformanceDetails::start_date</item>

           <item name="end">PerformanceDetails::end_date</item>

           <item name="duration">PerformanceDetails::description</item>




       <item name="username">AudView1234</item>

       <item name="password">AudView1234</item>

       <item name="customerPaid">0</item>

       <item name="endDateOffset">24</item>

       <item name="locationID">9090</item>

       <item name="prefix">FVCA</item>

