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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides





Configuring Separate Email Servers





The following information is only applicable to self-hosted clients.



It is recommended that two separate email servers be configured, one for sending transaction emails (tickets, invoices) and the other for sending marketing related emails. That way, should abuse or overuse of marketing email messages get your organization blacklisted, which at the worst could disable all email flow to and from your organization, you will still be able to send and your customers will still be able to receive emailed tickets and invoices.




Separate email servers should be configured during the initial set-up. It is not recommended that the global.asa and AVscheduler.exe.config files be altered, and if they are, they should only be altered by a system administrator. Contact Support for help.


Configuring Separate Email Servers

To configure separate email servers, the avSchedulerInputParameters.json file needs to be altered:

1.Locate and open the avSchedulerInputParameters.json file in your Libs\AVScheduler folder (C:\AudienceView\Libs\AVScheduler).
The following code appears:

 "application" : {
 "applicationName" : "SCHEDULER",
 "logDirectory" : "ENTER THE PATH TO THE LOG FILES",
 "logLevel" : "5",
 "databaseConnectionString" : "Fake3nCrYPt3dp@$$w0rd",
 "mailHost" : "localhost",
 "marketingMailHost" : "localhost",
 "sessionTimeout" : "600",
 "doWorkWorkerThreadCount" : "4",
 "key1" : "",
 "key2" : "",
 "maximumActiveSessions" : "200"
 "host" : "",
 "workingSessionCount": "4",
 "interval": "60",
 "avUser" : "sched",
 "avPwd" : "FakeP@$$W0rd",
 "role" : "System Owner",
 "description" : [
 "applicationName - application name",
 "contentPath - content path",
 "logDirectory - application log directory",
 "logEndpoint - application log end point",
 "logLevel - application log level",
 "databaseConnectionString - encrypted database connection string",
 "mailHost - mail host",
 "marketingMailHost - marketing mail host",
 "sessionTimeout - session timeout in seconds",
 "doWorkWorkerThreadCount - maximum number of cuncurrent worker threads",
 "key1 - encryption key1",
 "key2 - encryption key2",
 "maximumActiveSessions - maximum number of active sessions. Sessions above that number are placed in the waiting state",
 "host - client address",
 "workingSessionCount - number of working sessions scheduler allowed to use concurrently",
 "libPath - lib path for Rapini",
 "interval - database polling interval in seconds",
 "avUser - user name for session authentication",
 "avPwd - encrypted password for session authentication",
 "role - session role"


2.Set the "localhost" value in the marketingMailHost key to the email marketing server's IP address (in quotations).

3.Close the file.