You can modify user passwords by changing the format, its length and specific requirements as needed by your organization.
Information For example, you may require that passwords have both uppercase and lowercase characters, a number, special character, and a specific number for characters in length. |
To configure the format and requirements for a user’s password:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the following nodes:
▪Registy::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User::Password
▪Registy::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User::Confirm Password
▪Registy::EN::Business Objects::TScustomerBO::User::Password
▪Registy::EN::Business Objects::TScustomerBO::User::Confirm Password
3.Set the password formatting requirements.
The Password nodes contain the following properties:
Field |
Description |
Default Value |
The initial value of the field, before the user makes any changes. |
Label |
The name of the field as it displays to users. |
List |
Not applicable for this category. |
Maximum Length |
Maximum number of for the password. |
Maximum Number of Values |
Not applicable for this category. |
Minimum Length |
Minimum number of characters a password must include.
The minimum length is eight characters, and cannot be reduced. |
Mode |
There are five options for mode, each with three possible settings. The mode options are: oReadable: Identifies whether the field is visible. (The default setting is No.) oWriteable: Identifies whether the field can be edited. (The default setting is Yes.) oUnbound: Not applicable. oPersistable: Identifies whether the field can be saved to the database or not. oOptional: Identifies whether the field is optional or mandatory oMasked: Not applicable for this category.
The three possible settings are: ▪Default: The generally anticipated use of the field ▪Yes: Field option is active ('Optional' set to Yes indicates an optional field) ▪No: Field option is active ('Optional' set to No indicates a mandatory field) |
Needs Digit |
0: Indicates that the password does not require a number. 1: Indicates that the password must contain a number. (The default setting is 1.) |
Needs Lowercase |
0: Indicates that the password does not require lowercase letters. 1: Indicates that at least one letter included in the password must be lowercase. (The default setting is 1.) |
Needs Symbol |
0: Indicates that the password does not require symbols. 1: Indicates that the password must contain at least one symbol (@, #, $, %, &). (The default setting is 1.) |
Needs Uppercase |
0: Indicates that the password does not uppercase characters. 1: Indicates that at least one letter included in the password must be uppercase. (The default setting is 1.) |
4.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.