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Navigation: Registry > System Settings > System-Wide User Settings

Default Number of Allowed Failed Log-in Attempts

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When a new regular user or customer user is created by another user, the number of allowed failed log-in attempts can be set. This is the number of times the user can attempt to log in with the wrong password before they are blocked from subsequent log in attempts. Once the user reaches this maximum, the account must be unlocked. This number is set in the Application Security - User|Basic and Customer Services - Customer|Users pages.

You can use the Registry to set the default number of log-in attempts and disable users from modifying this.



The default (and maximum) number of allowed failed log-in attempts is 6. For WebSales, the Registry - Registry::EN::Business Objects::TScustomerBO::User::Number of failed log-in attempts node is used.

To set the default number of allowed failed login attempts:

1.Open Registry from the Desktop.

2.To set the default for:

a.New Customer Users (available from the Customer Services - Customer|Users page): Navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User::Number of allowed failed login attempts node.

b.New Users (available from the Application Security - Users|Basic page): Navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSuserBO::User::Number of allowed failed login attempts node.

3.Enter the number of times you want to allow users to attempt to login before their accounts are disabled in the 'Default Value' field.
By default, users can modify this value. If you want to set a maximum value to which the field can be modified, use the Maximum Value field. To disable users from modifying the field, select No from the 'Writeable' dropdown.