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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Status Section

Results Section



The Utilities - Renewals|Results page provides an overview of the renewal creation's success and failure rate, and any errors that may have occurred.


The following image illustrates the Utilities - Renewals|Results page:



Status Section

The following image illustrates the Status section of the Utilities - Renewals|Results page:




The Status section of the Utilities - Renewals|Results page consists of the following properties:




The current state of the renewal:



In Progress




A progress bar that represents how much of the renewal has been run.

Batch Size

The number of orders that will be renewed before being committed to the database.

By default, this field is set to 5 and not visible on the page.

To enable the field, navigate to the Registry - Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSrenewalBO::Execution::Batch Size node.

Number of Source Orders

The total number of source orders being processed.

Completed Orders

The total number of orders that have been processed.

Successful Orders

The total number of orders that have been processed successfully.

Failed Orders

The total number of orders that were not processed successfully.

Start Time

The date/time that the renewal was started.

End Time

The date/time that the renewal was completed.

This will remain empty until the renewal is done.

Estimated Duration

The approximate time it will take to run the rewnewal.

Estimated End Time

The approximate time that the renewal will be completed.


The amount of time that has passed since the job was started.

Average Order Duration

The average time it takes to create each order in the renewal.

Minimum Order Duration

The shortest time it took to process an order.

Maximum Order Duration

The longest time it took to process an order.


Results Section

The following image illustrates the Results section of the Utilities - Renewals|Results page:



The Results section of the Utilities - Renewals|Results page consists of the following properties:



Source Order Number

This column lists the original (source) order that the renewal has been created from.

Click on the order number will open that order in the Customer Services - Order|Summary page.

Destination Order Number

This column lists the destination order number (if an Order 'Renewal Type' has been created).

Click on the order number will open that order in the Customer Services - Order|Summary page.

Destination Offer Number

This column lists the destination offer number (if an Offer 'Renewal Type' has been created).

Click on the order number will open that order in the Customer Services - Offer|Summary page.

Error Number

If an error occurred while the renewal was being executed, this column will list the error number.

A 0 indicates that no error occurred.


This column lists the status of the executed renewal. It will indicate that:

The offer was created.

The order was creaed.

X number of validation error(s) occurred

Error Context

If an error occurred while the renewal was being executed, this column will list the reason for the error.