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Product Configuration - Miscellaneous Items Worksheet

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Miscellaneous Items Details

Miscellaneous Items Pricing

Selling Merchandise

Selling All-Access Passes

Selling Memberships

Adding Service Charges to an Order

Selling Non-timed Entry

Selling Concessions





Use this worksheet to plan your miscellaneous item configuration before you start building them.


For more information about configuring miscellaneous item, refer to Product Configuration - Miscellaneous Items.


Miscellaneous Items are used to sell things that aren’t admissions/tickets or donations. You can’t track miscellaneous item inventory, so you’ll need to schedule reports to ensure that you have available stock to fulfill any orders. Miscellaneous items are commonly used to sell:


Merchandise: T-shirts, souvenir programs, mugs, tote bags, artwork.

All-access passes: Grant access to film festival screenings or music festival events.

Memberships: Offer discounts and other benefits to customers on an annual or monthly basis.

Service charges: These are added to an order manually.

Non-timed entry: Museums, exhibitions, day passes to athletic facilities.

Concessions: Beverages and food items available for sale.


Miscellaneous Items Details

You can configure miscellaneous items with an internal name that appears on reports and another that customers see online. For example, if you offer an annual membership, you can create a new miscellaneous item for each fiscal year (which helps with reporting and year-over-year comparisons). You can add the year to the ‘Name’ field for reports, and keep the ‘Short Description’ field is the same for each membership each year.


When you create a new miscellaneous item, you need to specify its ’Type’. Once you set the ‘Type’, you can’t change it. Based on the ‘Type’ you select, the ‘Category’ list refreshes. You can update  each of the category lists in General Configuration:

Miscellaneous Membership Category.

Miscellaneous Merchandise Category.

Miscellaneous Other Category.

Miscellaneous Pass Category.


Miscellaneous Items Pricing

Miscellaneous items use versions for pricing. Versions allow you to adjust the price of the miscellaneous item without impacting those already sold. You can also adjust prices in advance if you know you the cost of an item is going to change. Create a new version and set the effective date to when the price change applies. You can only edit the pricing for a version that has an effective date in the future.


When configuring the price for the miscellaneous item, select all of the roles that can sell the item at that price. If you think a role might sell the miscellaneous item in the future, you can include it now. The calendar dates still determine who can sell/buy the miscellaneous item. Adding additional roles now prevents you from creating a new pricing version in the future.


Selling Merchandise

You can add different options to merchandise. If you’re selling a T-shirt, you can include various sizes as options so. You can’t set different prices per option. If a particular option has a different price, create a miscellaneous item for each price point.


If you run out of an option, you can set its status to Unavailable until you have more stock.


You can also add miscellaneous items preview images (thumbnail, small view and large view).


Remember to add any charges like sales tax to your miscellaneous item. Configure delivery charges on the delivery method.


If you’re using miscellaneous items to process the sale of artwork at varying prices, you can check the ‘User can change amount’ check box on the price row. When checked, the role can adjust the cost of the item. Rather than creating a miscellaneous item for each piece of artwork, you can create one for each type (watercolor, oil painting, print, sculpture), and the seller can enter the correct price for the piece.


Set a ‘Ticket Template’ if the miscellaneous item should provide a voucher that can be redeemed for merchandise. Include a barcode on the ticket so it can be scanned and marked as redeemed.


Selling All-Access Passes

When a customer purchases the miscellaneous item, the ‘Assigned Pass’ is added to the order.


Selling Memberships

If you need to have specific terms and conditions for the membership, enter them on the Questions and Terms tab. Customers need to accept the terms and conditions before adding the item to their shopping carts. If the membership grants access to events like an all-access pass, select an ‘Assigned Pass’.


If customers can buy more than one membership, you can add a question to ask which name to print on each card. Questions can be asked:

Per order: Regardless of how many miscellaneous items are purchased, the the question is asked once.

Per item: The question is asked once for each  miscellaneous item on the order. If a customer purchases two items, the question is asked twice.


Adding Service Charges to an Order

In most cases, service charges are added to orders based on the admission, a delivery method or an exchange configuration. If there are circumstances when you need to add a service charge manually, such as priority order fulfillment, use a miscellaneous item.


You can add the miscellaneous item to an order and collect payment.



Selling Non-timed Entry

If entry is immediate, you don’t want to configure a venue in Event Configuration and you’re using Point of Sale (POS) to sell access, configure the miscellaneous item as Merchandise. Otherwise, select a ‘Ticket Template’ so that customers get a ticket with a barcode.


Remember that miscellaneous items don’t have any inventory control, so you need to manage crowds outside the application.



Selling Concessions

You can only sell Merchandise through POS. To help keep your concessions organized, make sure that you edit the Miscellaneous Merchandise Category list. When using the POS, each category will have a page to help make it easier to find the concession item to sell