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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Each action or event that occurred while a user was logged on is tracked and is accessible from the Audit pages. A description of the action or event, the time that it occurred, and the result (such as Success) are displayed.


The Application Security - Login|Search page allows you to search for a specific times that a user was logged into the system. Selecting a session ID performs a search on the Audit|Search, returning all of the results for that session.


To search for a session:

1.Open Application Security from the Desktop.

2.Select the Login tab.
The Login|Search page appears

3.Search for and select the audit information that you want to view.
The Audit|Search page appears, displaying the search results for the selected session. The 'Session ID' field is also populated with the session's GUID. If no results are returned then no actions took place during the session.

4.Select the audit item that you want to view.
The Audit|Details page appears.