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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The page (human check) is displayed whenever customers attempt to add tickets to an order (when enalbed).


You can customize the field labels and buttons within the page using the following Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Online::Scalper Prevention nodes and keys:



Default Value

Scalper Prevention Active

Enable/disable scalper prevention:

true: Enables scalper prevention.

false: Disables scalper prevention.


You can also disable scalper prevention at the event level on Event Configuration application Events|Basic page.


Secret Key

The 'Secret Key' you received when you registered your site with Google.


Site Key

The 'Site Key' you received when you registered your site with Google.


Verification URL

The URL used to verify the customers response.


The header text that displays above the Why Info

Why am I seeing this?

Why Info

The text describing why customers need to prove they are not bots trying to buy/scalp tickets..

Sometimes robots buy tickets, but they never seem to use them. By ensuring you're not a robot, we can get more tickets directly to humans.

Word Verification

The header text that appears above the reCAPTCHA.
