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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Deep links access underlying infrastructure that can be changed at any time and are not guaranteed to remain the same as your system is updated. As a result, deep links can change without warning and should be reviewed after any application update.



Some portions of the deep link URLs are case sensitive, particularly the form elements.



If there is a space within the 'Promotion Access Code' (Promo Code A), then %20 will need to be used instead of the space in the source text (Promo%20Code%20A).



If you are using alternate site branding, apply the site branding to the inserted link.



If you use a brochure site to link to online sales, you can determine where customers are redirected when they click certain buttons after clicking the a deep-link from a message or article.



You can embed links to items/prices that are only available with a valid promotion, so that when customers click a link the promotion is automatically activated.


To link to an item using a promotion, begin the process of inserting a link in your article or message, but before you insert it add the following to the end of the ‘Link’:


Articles: &BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::promocode_access_code=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Best Available: &BOparam::WSmap::loadBestAvailable::promocode_access_code=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Seat Map: &BOparam::WSmap::loadMap::promocode_access_code=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Miscellaneous Items: &BOparam::WSmiscItem::load::promocode_access_code=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Bundles: &BOparam::WSbundlemap::loadBestAvailable::promocode_access_code=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]


Where [PROMOTION ACCESS CODE] is the ‘Promotion Access Code’ assigned to the promotion.


If you want to prevent the ‘promotion accepted’ pop-up from appearing when customers click the link, add the following to the end of the ‘Link’ instead:



Articles: &BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::promocode_access_code_url=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Best Available: &BOparam::WSmap::loadBestAvailable::promocode_access_code_url=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Seat Map: &BOparam::WSmap::loadMap::promocode_access_code_url=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Miscellaneous Items: &BOparam::WSmiscItem::load::promocode_access_code_url=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]

Bundles: &BOparam::WSbundlemap::loadBestAvailable::promocode_access_code_url=[PROMOTION ACCESS CODE]


Where [PROMOTION ACCESS CODE] is the ‘Promotion Access Code’ assigned to the promotion




If you are deep-linking to an item that has been configured with an 'Upsell Article' use and suppress the promo code accepted message pop-up. It will display overtop of the upsell pop-up, preventing customers from upgrading the item.

The following is a list of things to keep in mind when creating links:

Test your links by setting an 'On-Calendar'/'On-Sale' event's 'Access Mode' to Private.

Add referrer codes to all of the links that you add to your messages to track click-throughs and sales.

Use the Google Analytics fields like 'Campaign', 'Content', 'Medium' and 'Source' to encode your message links with the proper marketing tracking information.

Populate your Site URLs list in General Configuration - Lists with your base domain name including the /online/; portion. That list populates the 'Base Site URL' field and makes creating links much easier. Links in emails must contain the entire URL, including https:// .

When linking to an event, customers are directed to the seat map if it is in a venue with reserved seating and the Enable 'Pick-a-Seat' option was selected on the Event Configuration - Event|Basic page. If you want to send customers to the best available page instead, click 'Change to Best Available'.

If you're linking to a template article, be sure to set a value for the 'Context Type' field before selecting the article.

It is also possible to link to an event search populated with with specific criteria: