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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Displaying Limits on the mapSelect.asp (Pick-a-Seat) and seatSelect.asp (Best Available) Pages

'Quantity' Dropdowns on the seatSelect.asp (Best Available) Page


Behaviour of 'Increments'



The limits set against promotions (Product Configuration - Promotions|Limits page), price types (Legends - Price Types|Limits page) and events (Event Configuration - Events|Limits pages) are validated when admissions are added to the order.

Pro-active messaging about the 'Cap' and 'Max/Order' values that are in place are displayed online, and the available quantities/options listed in dropdowns are dynamic based on the configured limits.


Individual admissions can be removed from the shopping cart so the customers can easily update their orders so that they meet limit requirements.



If any previous purchases count towards a 'Cap', the validation will take place when the customer clicks 'Buy' at the end of the purchase flow.


Displaying Limits on the mapSelect.asp (Pick-a-Seat) and seatSelect.asp (Best Available) Pages

'Cap' and 'Max/Order' values configured against a event are displayed next to the Your Selections label on the mapSelect.asp page and next to the Seat Quantity label on the seatSelect.asp page.

'Cap' and 'Max/Order' configured on a price type or promotion are displayed next to the price type name on the mapSelect.asp and seatSelect.asp pages.

Once a event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' value has been reached, Max reached will be displayed beside the event and the price types will be disabled, preventing users from adding any further admissions for that event to the order.

Once a price type or promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' value has been reached, Max reached will be displayed against the price type and the price type will be disabled, preventing users from adding any further admissions at that price type/promotion to the order.

The following table illustrates the behaviour for various combinations of event, price type and promotion 'Cap' and 'Max/Order' values.

The following table outlines the scenarios in which 'Cap' and 'Max/Order' values can be configured and how they will be displayed to online users:


Expected Behaviour on mapSelect.asp (Pick-a-Seat)

Expected Behaviour on seatSelect.asp (Best Available)

Price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' only

The price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' only

The promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' only

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label

Event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where the event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is less than (<) the price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label; NO price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label; NO price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed

Event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' greater than (>) the price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label AND price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label AND price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where the event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is less than (<) the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label; NO promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label; NO promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed

Event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where the event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is greater than (>) the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label AND the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label AND promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where the price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is less than (<) the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

Price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' and promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' where the price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is greater than (>) the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order'

The promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

All three of the 'Caps' are configured where the event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is the lowest.

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label; NO price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed and NO promo cap is displayed

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label; NO price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed and NO promo cap is displayed

All three 'Caps' are configured where the price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is lowest.

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label AND price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label AND price type 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

All three of the 'Caps' are configured where the promotion 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is the lowest

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Your Selections label AND promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name

The event 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to the Seat Quantity label AND promo 'Cap' or 'Max/Order' is displayed next to price type name


'Quantity' Dropdowns on the seatSelect.asp (Best Available) Page

The 'Quantity' dropdowns for each price type on the online seatSelect.asp (Best Available) page will reflect the configured limits ('Min/Order', 'Max/Order', 'Increment' and 'Cap' fields) for that price type or promotion. Only valid quantities will be displayed in the dropdown.

If there is a combination of event , price type and promotion 'Cap' and 'Max/Order' values, the dropdown will start at the highest of the applicable 'Min/Order' values, and end at the lowest of the 'Max/Order' or 'Cap' value.

If multiple 'Increment' values are applied, the dropdown will display values in the lowest available multiple of the configured increments. For example, if a price type has an 'Increment' of 3 and it is used in combination with a promotion that has an 'Increment' of 2, the increments displayed in the 'Quantity' dropdown will be 6, 12, etc.



The 'Min/Order', 'Max/Order', 'Increment' and 'Cap' rules are validated as admissions are added to the order. If the validation fails, a message is presented to the users indicating how the rules have been broken, and the user remains on the mapSelect.asp (Pick-a-Seat) or seatSelect.asp (Best Available) page.

The rules are also validated at the end of the transaction flow, at the point that the user clicks 'Buy' on the orderContact.asp (Billing Information) page. If the validation fails at this point, a message is presented to the user indicating how the rules have been broken, and the user is redirected to the Shopping Cart. In the Shopping Cart the user can edit the order by removing individual admissions from the order (if necessary), so that the order meets the defined limits.


Behaviour of 'Increments'

When a minimum and an increment are applied to a price type or promotion at the same time the 'Increment' is calculated starting from 0.

For example, if the a price type is configured with a 'Min/Order' of 3 and an 'Increment' of 2, the values in the seat 'Quantity' dropdown will be 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on. This will be permitted because the application applies the 'Increment' starting from 0 and then considers the 'Min/Order' value.

For a more complex example, consider the following configuration:

Price Type:

'Min/Order' of 2

'Max/Order' of 8

'Increment' of 3


'Min/Order' of 1

'Max/Order' of 7

'Increment' of 2

Only 6 admissions will be permitted.