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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The Events|Ticket Usage page allows you to open seats that have not yet been sold but are in-flight (seats that have been added to an order that has not been created yet).

By default, in-flight seats will timeout based on the user role or event settings. You can release in-flight seats before the timeout.

To release in-flight seats:

1.Open Event Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Events tab.
The Events|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the event that you want to work with.
The Events|Basic page appears.

4.Select the Ticket Usage tab.
The Events|Ticket Usage page appears.

5.Switch the toggle at the top of the screen to 'Force In-Flight Seats to Open Status'.
In this mode, only in-flight seats are active. All other seats are disabled.

6.Select the in-flight seats that you want to open.

7.Click 'Set to Open'.
The page refreshes and the seats are no longer faded/in-flight.


Ticket sellers and online customers will now be able to purchase these seats. If a hold is not added to the opened seats, or the opened seats are not added to another order, the original order can still be completed.