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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Once you created the basic details of the venue, you can now create sections. Sections identify areas within a venue, for example orchestra, balcony, or floor. At least one section must be created for a venue. Once you have created a section, it can be associated to the venue’s seating and gates.



Any of the information you add to a section can be displayed on a ticket.

The Venue|Sections page can also be used to create stands. A stand is a collection of one or more sections. For example, for a sporting venue, you may want to use stands so that customers can purchase tickets by stand rather than by section.

Once you create the stand, it is available for:

best available requests

Business Intelligence searches

ticket templates

In the following example, you could create the following stands:

North Stand which includes sections A and B

East Stand which included sections C and D

South Stand which includes sections E and F

West Stand which includes sections G and H

The following pages describe how to work with sections:

Creating a Section

Modifying a Section

Deleting a Section