Caution The Scripts|Edit page uses JavaScript only. It is understood that to edit the scripts, you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and the appropriate tag formats and content. |
To create a script:
1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Scripts tab.
The Scripts|Search page appears.
3.Click 'Create New'.
The Scripts|Edit page appears.
4.Enter a name for the script in the 'Name' field.
5.Select the template type from the 'Script Type' dropdown (order, offer)
6.Select a the output type from the 'Content Type' dropdown (AVDOC, CSV, HTML).
7.Enter the content of the script template in JavaScript in the template body section.
8.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the script was created.
9.Click 'OK'.
Before you can run the script using the Utilities - Data Management pages, you must define which source files will be used using the Script Defintions