To add a miscellaneous item to a bundle, complete the following (if you are adding a miscellaneous item to a new bundle, proceed to Step 4):
1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.
The Bundles|Search page appears.
2.Search for and select the bundle that you want to add a miscellaneous item to.
The Bundles|Details page appears.
3.Select the Miscellaneous Items tab.
The Bundles|Miscellaneous Items page appears.
4.Click '+ Add Miscellaneous Item'.
A new miscellaneous item row appears.
a.Miscellaneous Item: Click to search for a miscellaneous item.
b.Default Option: Select the default option (medium, large) that you want to offer customers.
c.Min # Items per Bundle: Enter the minimum quantity of the selected miscellaneous item that must be purchased with the bundle.

If you do not require customer to purchase the miscellaneous item, enter 0 in the field.
d.Max # Items per Bundle: Enter the maximum quantity of the selected miscellaneous item that can be purchased with the bundle.
5.Click 'Add Price'.
A new price row appears.
a.Roles: Select the role(s) that you want to make the pricing available to.
b.Amount: Enter the monetary value that you want to give the miscellaneous item for the selected role(s).
6.For every role/price that you want to make available, repeat the process from Step 5.
7.For every miscellaneous item that you want to add to the bundle, repeat the process from Step 4.
8.Click 'Apply'.
If a date is not set in bundle version's 'Effective Date' field, the current date and time will be used.
9.Click 'OK'.
A window confirms that the bundle was updated.
10.Click 'OK'.

If you want the miscellaneous item to be automatically added to the order when the bundle is added, ensure that nothing has been configured on the Product Configuration - Miscellaneous Items|Options page, and that the 'Min # Items per Bundle' and 'Max # Items per Bundle' fields on the Bundle|Miscellaneous Items page contain the same values.