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AudienceView Unlimited 7  Product Guides

An exchange fee is a charge applied to exchanges.


If the exchange fee is configured as a:

Flat rate and Additional: The fee will be added to each admission.

Percentage and Additional: The fee will be calculated as a percentage of the Exchange To admissions' order amount, and then added to each admission.

Flat rate and Order: The fee will be added to the order once.

Percentage and Order: The fee will be calculated as a percentage of the sum of Exchange To the order admissions' order amounts, and then added to the order once.

Exchange fees are only applied to exchanges and not to purchases that use the same price chart.


Exchange fees are frozen on the order once they have been added. They will not be removed based on any future recalculations or modifications to the order. If there are multiple exchanges, the fees will accumulate on the admission or order. If there are admission-level exchange fees and all the admissions on the order are removed, the exchange fees will move to the order level.

Exchange fees are displayed to customers on the Exchange Overview page, and cannot be hidden.

You cannot add an exchange fee as charge on another charge.


To create an exchange fee:

1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Charges tab.
The Charges|Search page appears.

3.Click 'Create New'.
The Charges|Details page appears.

4.Enter the following information in the Charge Details section:

a.Name: Enter a name for the fee.

b.Short Description: Enter a short description for the exchange fee.

c.Description: Enter a description for the exchange fee.

d.Type: Select the Service Charge.
Once you create a charge, the 'Type' dropdown becomes read-only.

e.Pricing Type: Ensure Priced is selected.

f.Policy: Select Required.

5.Enter the following information in the Charge Behavior section:

a.When Part of an Exchange: Select Additional Exchange Fee.

6.Enter the following information in the GL Codes section:

a.GL Code 1: Enter a general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger report).

b.GL Code 2: Enter a general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger Oracle 1 and General Ledger Oracle 2 reports).

c.Receivable GL Code: Enter a receivable general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger report).

d.GL Description[1-2] : Optionally, enter a description of the GL Code (General Ledger report).

7.Click 'Add Version'.

8.Enter the charge versions details into the applicable fields of the versions section.

9.Click 'Create'.

When you add the exchange fee to your price charts, you must add it as an Additional or Order fee.