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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can charge one delivery fee for one type of merchandise, and a different fee for tickets while using the same delivery method on the order.

To create a delivery fee:

1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Charges tab.
The Charges|Search page appears.

3.Click 'Create New'.
The Charges|Details page appears.

4.Enter the following information in the Charge Details section:

a.Name: Enter a name for the fee.

b.Short Description: Enter a short description for the exchange fee.

c.Description: Enter a description for the exchange fee.

d.Type: Select the Service Charge.
Once you create a charge, the 'Type' dropdown becomes read-only.

e.Pricing Type: Ensure Priced is selected.

f.Policy: Select Required.

5.Enter the following information in the Charge Behavior section:

a.When Part of an Exchange: Select Do Not Recalculate.

b.Charge Delivery Fees For: Select what the charge is calculated on: events, miscellaneous items, stored value items or any combination of the three.

c.Miscellaneous Item Types:  Select the types of miscellaneous items included in the delivery fee calculation.

6.Enter the following information in the GL Codes section:

a.GL Code 1: Enter a general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger report).

b.GL Code 2: Enter a general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger Oracle 1 and General Ledger Oracle 2 reports).

c.Receivable GL Code: Enter a receivable general ledger code for accounting purposes (General Ledger report).

d.GL Description[1-2] : Optionally, enter a description of the GL Code (General Ledger report).

7.Click 'Add Version'.

8.Enter the charge versions details into the applicable fields of the versions section.

9.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the charge was created.

10.Click 'OK'.

11.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.

12.Select the Delivery Methods tab.
The Delivery Method|Search page appears.

13.Search for and select the delivery method that you want to add the delivery fee to.

14.Select the delivery fee you created.

15.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the delivery method was updated.

16.Click 'OK'.


Whenever a customer buying the selected item types chooses this delivery method, the associated charge(s) are applied.


When charges are configured with:

A flat rate with no thresholds: The charge is only added if the order contains the selected item types.

A percentage rate with no thresholds: The charge is calculated using the total amount of the selected item types.

With thresholds (flat or percentage rates): The threshold and the charge amount are calculated using the total amount of the selected item types.

If there are no items of the selected type in the order, the charge is not added.