To create a payment plan calendar entry:
1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Payment Plan tab.
The Payment Plans|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the payment plan that you want to add a calendar entry to.
The Payment Plan|Details page appears.
4.Select the Calendar tab.
The Payment Plans|Calendar page appears.
5.Click 'Add Entry'.
A new calendar row appears.
6.Complete the following payment plan calendar fields:
a.User Role: Select the roles that will be able to access the payment plan from the 'User Role' field.
b.Start Date: Click to select the date that you want the payment plan to become available.
c.End Date: Click to select the date that you want the payment plan to no longer be available.
7.To add different criteria for different roles, repeat the process from Step 5.
8.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the payment plan was updated.
9.Click 'OK'.