•Showing/Hiding Invoice Elements
You can create brands and styles that can be applied to the email confirmation templates and assigned to a particular role.
To create a brand:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.To update the default branding, navigate to the Registry::EN::Application::Invoice::Brands::Default Brand node and proceed to Step 6.
3.To create a new brand, navigate to the Registry::EN::Application::Invoice::Brands node.
4.Click 'New Node'.
A new node appears.
5.Enter a name for the brand in the 'Node Name' field.
6.Complete the following fields:
Field |
Description |
Not currently in use. |
Return URL |
Default: https://www.yourdomain.com - for add to wallet links This is the base URL for your publicly accessible, online sales channel. It is must include the https://. It is used for Add to Wallet links. |
header_text |
The header for all of the confirmation emails. |
Label |
The label that will appear in the 'Brand' dropdown on the Application Security - Roles|Basic page. |
logo_alt |
The alt text for the logo. |
logo_dim_height |
The height of the logo in pixels. It is recommended that this is set to 150. |
logo_dim_width |
The width of the logo in pixels. It is recommended that this is set to 150. |
logo_url |
The absolute URL for the logo. |
company_address |
Your company's address. |
company_name |
Your company's name. |
company_phone |
Your company's phone number. |
company_url |
Your company's website. |
terms_and_conditions |
The terms and conditions (maximum of 4,000 characters) that will appear at the bottom of all confirmation emails. |
7.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.
The brand can now be selected from the 'Brand' dropdown on the Application Security - Roles|Basic page.
Hint You can update the email subject line using the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSorderBO node's 'confirmationSubject' field.
This subject line is used for all invoices, and cannot be overridden regardless of the invoice brand or role.
You can configure the following email confirmation styles to meet your needs using the following Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Invoice::Default Brand::Invoice Styles nodes:
•Default Styling: Defines the default style of the confirmation email.
•Invoice Header: Defines the style of the header row of the confirmation email.
•Section Balance: Defines the style of the balance section of the confirmation email.
•Section Table Headers: Defines the style of the header rows within tables.
•Section Title: Defines the style of the section titles.
•Section Total Amount Footer: Defines the style of the total amounts and values.
You can also add your company's logo to the top of HTML and .PDF email confirmations by adding the image's absolute URL to the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Invoices::Brands::Default Brand node's 'logo_url' field. The same image is used for all email confirmations.
Each of the Invoice Style nodes listed above allow you to define the following style elements:
Field |
Description |
background_color |
Defines the background colour of the section. Click |
font_colour |
Defines the colour of the text. Click |
font_name |
Defines the font. This is set to Helvetica, by default. |
font_size |
Defines the font size in pts. |
font_style |
Defines the font style: •normal •bold |
Label |
The label for the curently selected node. This does not appear on confirmation emails. |
label_font_color |
Defines the colour of the label text. Click |
label_font_size |
Defines the font size for labels in pts. |
Hint Labels within invoices can be configured using the applicable Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Invoices::Brands::Default Brand node. |
You can show/hide areas of invoices by selecting Show or Hide for the following options in the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Invoice::Brands::Default Brand::Show/Hide Elements node. By default, these are all set to Show.
Header Section |
header_section |
Shows/hides the entire header section. |
header_logo |
Shows/hides the company logo. |
header_address |
Shows/hides the company's address |
header_invoice_title |
Shows/hides the Invoice/Receipt header |
header_order_number |
Shows/hides the 'Order Number'. |
header_ordered_date |
Shows/hides the 'Ordered on' date. |
header_invoiced_date |
Shows/hides the 'Invoiced on' date. |
Welcome Section |
welcome_message |
Shows/hides the message section that appears after the Header section. |
Tickets Section |
tickets_section |
Shows/hides the entire tickets section. |
tickets_title |
Shows/hides the Tickets header. |
tickets_event_date |
Shows/hides the event's date/time. |
tickets_comments |
Shows/hides the number of comments. |
tickets_quantity |
Shows/hides the number of tickets ordered. |
tickets_price_type |
Shows/hides the tickets' price type(s). |
tickets_price_zone |
Shows/hides the tickets' price zone(s). |
tickets_price_amount |
Shows/hides the per ticket price. |
tickets_questions |
Shows/hides the question/answer section (admission level). |
tickets_messages |
Shows/hides any seat, section, price type or hold type messages. |
tickets_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Tickets Amount label and value. |
Digital Wallet Section |
digital_wallet_section |
Shows/hides the Digital Wallet section where links to add tickets to digital wallets such as Apple Wallet appear. |
Ticket Requests Section |
ticket_requests_section |
Shows/hides the entire ticket requests section. |
ticket_requests_title |
Shows/hides the Ticket Requests header. |
ticket_requests_event_date |
Shows/hides the requested event's date/time. |
ticket_requests_quantity |
Shows/hides the number of the requested tickets on the ordered. |
ticket_requests_price_type |
Shows/hides the requested tickets' price type(s). |
ticket_requests_price_zone |
Shows/hides the requested tickets' price zone(s). |
ticket_requests_price_amount |
Shows/hides the per ticket price. |
ticket_requests_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Tickets Requests Amount label and value. |
ticket_requests_venue |
Shows/hides the venue. |
Gift Certificates/Cards Section |
gift_certs_section |
Shows/hides the entire gift certificate/cards section. |
gift_certs_title |
Shows/hides the Gift Certificates/Cards header. |
gift_certs_recipient |
Shows/hides the 'Recipient' of the gift certificate/card. |
gift_certs_expiration_date |
Shows/hides the 'Expires' date for the gift certificate/card. |
gift_certs_redemption_code |
Shows/hides the gift certificate/card's 'Redemption' number |
gift_certs_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Gift Certificates/Cards Amount label and value. |
Bundles Section |
If Display Event Breakdown in Invoice was selected from the 'Options' field when the bundle was configured (Product Configuration - Bundles|Details page), each event within the bundle will be displayed. |
bundles_section |
Shows/hides the entire bundles section. |
bundles_title |
Shows/hides the Bundles header. |
bundles_price_type |
Shows/hides the bundle's price type(s). |
bundles_price_zone |
Shows/hides the bundle's price zone(s). |
bundles_gift_certs |
Shows/hides the gift certifiates/cards section of the bundle. |
bundles_tickets |
Shows/hides the tickets section of the bundle. |
bundles_gifts |
Shows/hides the gifts section of the bundle. |
bundles_misc_items |
Shows/hides the miscellaneous items section of the bundle. |
bundles_questions |
Shows/hides the questions section of the bundle. |
bundles_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Bundles Amount label and value. |
bundles_admission_count |
Shows/hides the Admission Count label and value |
bundles_event_comments |
Shows/hides the events' 'Comment 1' and 'Comment 2' fields. |
bundles_event_name |
Shows/hides the events' name(s). |
bundles_event_date |
Shows/hides the events' date(s). |
bundles_admission_count |
Shows/hides the number admissions in the bundle |
bundles_price_type |
Shows/hides the bundle price type. |
bundles_price_zone |
Shows/hides the bundle price zone. |
Bundle Requests Section |
bundle_requests_section |
Shows/hides the entire bundle requests section. |
bundle_requests_title |
Shows/hides the Bundle Requests header. |
bundle_requests_price_type |
Shows/hides the requested bundle's price type(s). |
bundle_requests_price_zone |
Shows/hides the requested bundle's price zone(s). |
bundle_requests_gift_certs |
Shows/hides the gift certificates/cards section of the requested bundle. |
bundle_requests_tickets |
Shows/hides the tickets section of the requested bundle. |
bundle_requests_gifts |
Shows/hides the gifts section of the requested bundle. |
bundle_requests_misc_items |
Shows/hides the miscellaneous items section of the requested bundle. |
bundle_requests_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Bundle Requests Amount label and value. |
Add-On Section |
add_ons_details_column |
Shows/hides the details column. |
add_ons_quantity_column |
Shows/hides the quantity column. |
add_ons_section |
Shows/hides the entire add-ons section. |
add_ons_title |
Shows/hides the Add-Ons header. |
Gifts/Donations Section |
gifts_section |
Shows/hides the entire gifts section. |
gifts_title |
Shows/hides the Gifts/Donations header. |
gifts_pledge_date |
Shows/hides the 'Pledge Date'. |
gifts_receiptable_amount |
Shows/hides the 'Receiptable Amount'. |
gifts_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Gifts/Donations Amount label and value. |
Miscellaneous Items Section |
misc_items_section |
Shows/hides the entire miscellaneous items section. |
misc_items_title |
Shows/hides the Miscellaneous Items header. |
misc_items_unit_price |
Shows/hides the price per miscellaneous item. |
misc_items_questions |
Shows/hides miscellaneous item questions. |
misc_items_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Miscellaneous Items Amount label and value. |
Optional Charges Section |
opt_charges_section |
Shows/hides the entire optional charges section. |
opt_charges_title |
Shows/hides the Optional Charges header. |
opt_charges_details_column |
Shows/hides the 'Details' column. |
opt_charges_amount_column |
Shows/hides the 'Amount' column. |
Questions Section |
questions_section |
Shows/hides the entire questions section (order level). |
Payments Section |
payments_section |
Shows/hides the entire payments section. |
payments_title |
Shows/hides the Payments header. |
payments_name_column |
Shows/hides the 'Payments' column. |
payments_date_column |
Shows/hides the 'Date' column. |
payments_type_column |
Shows/hides the 'Type' column (sale or refund). |
payments_detail_column |
Shows/hides the 'Detail' column (masked card numbers). |
payments_amount_column |
Shows/hides the 'Amount' column. |
payments_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Payments Received label and value. |
Schedueld Payments Section |
scheduled_payments_section |
Shows/hides the entire scheduled payments section. |
scheduled_payments_title |
Shows/hides the Scheduled Payments header. |
scheduled_payments_name_column |
Shows/hides the 'Payments' column. |
scheduled_payments_date_column |
Shows/hides the 'Scheduled Date' column. |
scheduled_payments_type_column |
Shows/hides the 'Type' column (sale or refund). |
scheduled_payments_detail_column |
Shows/hides the 'Detail' column (masked card numbers). |
scheduled_payments_amount_column |
Shows/hides the 'Amount' column. |
scheduled_payments_total_amount |
Shows/hides the Total Scheduled Payment label and value. |
Comments Section |
comments_section |
Shows/hides the entire comments section. |
Footer Section - Billing Customer Section |
footer_billing_section |
Shows/hides the entire billing customer section. |
footer_billing_customer_number |
Shows/hides the billing customer's 'Customer Number'. |
footer_billing_name_address |
Shows/hides the billing customer's name and address. |
footer_billing_email_address |
Shows/hides the billing customer's email address. |
Footer - Shipping Customer Section |
footer_shipping_section |
Shows/hides the entire shipping customer section. |
footer_shipping_customer_number |
Shows/hides the shipping customer's 'Customer Number'. |
footer_shipping_name_address |
Shows/hides the shipping customer's name and address. |
footer_shipping_email_address |
Shows/hides the shipping customer's email address. |
Footer - Agent Section |
footer_agent_section |
Shows/hides the entire agent section. |
footer_agent_customer_number |
Shows/hides the agent's 'Customer Number'. |
footer_agent_name_address |
Shows/hides the agent's name and address. |
footer_agent_email_address |
Shows/hides the agent's email address. |
Totals Section |
totals_section |
Shows/hides the entire totals section. |
totals_charges |
Shows/hides the 'Charges' on the order. |
totals_payments_received |
Shows/hides the 'Payment Received' on the order. |
totals_scheduled_payments |
Shows/hides the 'Scheduled Payment' on the order. |
totals_balance_due |
Shows/hides the 'Balance Due' on the order. |
totals_credit_card_info |
Shows/hides credit card information section. |
Print Message Section |
print_message_section |
Shows/hides the entire print message section. |
Post Message Section |
post_message_section |
Shows/hides the entire post message section. |