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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Navigation: Registry > System Settings > Email Settings

Confirmation/Invoice Templates

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You can also set the default template on the user's role. If a template is not specified on the role, then the template set in the Registry is used.


Elements of confirmation/invoice emails can be styled and branded.


For more information about the differences between invoice and confirmation emails, refer to The Confirmation Email Invoice Template Versus the Order Confirmation Email Template.

1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.

2.Navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSorderBO node.

3.Select the template that you want to set from the appropriate dropdown:

confirmationTemplate: When customers make purchases, they receive emails (Order Confirmation Email).

confirmationShipToTemplate: When a purchase is made by one customer (billing) and sent to another (shipping), the shipping customer receives an email (Order Confirmation Ship To Email).

failureTemplate: When an order fails, the customer receives an email (Order Failure Email).

forwardTemplate: When one customer emails another customer tickets, the customer receiving the tickets also receives an email (Ticket Forward/Reprint Confirmation Email).

reservationTempate: When a customers make a reservations, they receive an email (Confirmation Email / Invoice).

cancelTicketsTemplate: When tickets are reprinted/cancelled, customers receive a confirmation email (Cancel Tickets Confirmation Email).

4.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.