The TScurrency, TSdateTime, TSduration, TSfixed and TSint primitives (Registry - Registry::EN::Primitive) can be configured with a display format. When a field is used for display purposes only (read-only fields, search results) the values are rendered using the defined display format.
In rare circumstances would the number and currency formats be altered; however, date/time formats might be updated more frequently and will most like differ per the Registry if the system has been configured for multiple languages. For more information, refer to Defining the Default Date and Time Format.
The system currency is defined by the three character code defined in the Registry - System::Configuration::Currencies node 'Default Label' field. For numbers and currency, the separators defined in the format are treated as placeholders. For example, ¤#,##0.00 as the TScurrency format will return $1.000,00 for nl_NL and $1,000.00 for en_US, and £1,000.00 for en_GB.
When creating orders and payments in Customer Services, most monetary amounts that users are allowed to enter can be entered in any currency that has been configured on your system.
•You can add a payment in any currency that has been configured for your system. By default, all monetary values are presented in the system’s default currency.
•When adding a payment in a different currency, you must enter the value preceded by one space and the currency code (5.25 GBP; 16 USD).
•The payments are converted to your system’s default currency based on the configured conversion rate.

Even if your system does not support foreign currencies, you must configure a default currency.
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The Registry - System::Configuration::Currencies node enables you to configure the default currency, the currencies available within the application modules, and the exchange rates between these currencies and the default currency.
The node name for the currency should be the three character currency code (EUR for EURO). This code will be used when users are entering values in a currency different from your default currency. For a full list of currency codes, refer to ISO 4217 Currency Codes.
The currency symbol and number formatting that is displayed is based on the system locale. It is still possible to enter a currency value with the currency suffix and the value based on the exchange rate in the Registry (20.00 USD) will be returned. When the currency symbol is ambiguous more information will be added to the output. For example, if the system locale is en_US but the system currency is CAD, the $ symbol can be confusing. In this instance, the currency symbol will be prefixed with CA (CA$ to indicate that you are operating in Canadian dollars).
To set your default currency:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Currencies node.
3.Enter the default currency’s three letter code in the default currency field.
For a full list of currency codes, refer to ISO 4217 Currency Codes.
4.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.
By default, all monetary values are presented in the system’s default currency. Values in other currencies can be entered by adding the currency code (5.25 GBP or 16 USD). The configured exchange rate is then used to convert the values into the default currency.
To add a currency:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Currencies node.
3.Click 'New Node'.
A new node appears.
4.Enter the details pertaining to the new currency.
5.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.
To modify a currency’s conversion rate:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Currencies node.
3.Select the name of the currency rate that you are modifying.
The currency’s properties appear.
4.Enter a new value in the 'Rate' field.
5.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated. |