You can configure whether or not the seat availability indicators (Excellent, Good) display on the Customer Services - Events|Search page as well as upsell/add-on articles (containing search widgets) that appear in the Desktop and/or on the default.asp page online. When enabled for the Customer Services - Events|Search page, the cells of the 'Available Seats' column in the select event section will be coloured.
If a hold is available to your current role, it will be included in the available seats/availability percentage.
To enable the availability indicators:
1.Open Application Security from the Desktop.
2.Select the Group tab.
The Group|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the appropriate group.
The Group|Basic page appears.
4.Select the Content tab.
The Group|Content page appears.
5.Select the Online or Customer Services property.
6.Select Ticket Availability property by holding CTRL and clicking on it.
7.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated. |
You can adjust when an event's availability will change from excellent to good to limited to sold out based on the percentage of remaining admissions. You can change the colours of the indicators too.
To adjust the availability percentages:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the:
a.Registry::EN::Application::Online::Availability Thresholds node to modify the online thresholds.
b.Registry::EN::Application::Customer::Availability Thresholds node to modify the Customer Services - Events|Search page and upsell/add-on articles (containing search widgets) thresholds.
3.Modify the percentages that appear in the following fields:
a.Excellent Percent: The default is set to 100.
b.Good Percent: The default is set to 50.
c.Limited Percent: The default is set to 25.
d.Sold Out Percent: The default is set to 0.
Based on the default values, if an event has 65% of its seats available it will display as having Excellent availabilty online because it falls between 51% and 100%. When the event's availability reaches 50% the status will change to Good.
To adjust the availability colours:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.Navigate to the Registry::EN::Application::Online::Pick-a-Seat node.
3.Modify the colours that appear in the following fields:
By default the unavailable seats are a mid-grey (hex code #333333), but the colour can be adjusted in the two places:
1.Open the Registry from the Desktop.
2.To adjust the Desktop colour:
•Go to the Registry::EN::Application::Customer::Availability Thresholds node.
•Modify the 'Unavailable Price Zone Colour' field.
3.To adjust the online colour:
•Go to the Registry:EN::Application::Online::Pick a Seat node.
•Modify the 'Unavailable Price Zone Colour' field. |