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Funds Management - Opportunities Worksheet

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Fields Customizations

Configuration - Lists





Use this worksheet to plan your fundraising opportunity configuration before you start building them.


For more information about configuring opportunities, refer to Fundraising Goals and Customer Donation Opportunities.


You can use an opportunity to identify potential donors and track the progress of any proposed donations. While this worksheet won’t go into the specifics of creating an opportunity, it’ll help you adjust field labels, create lists and bind the lists to fields to ensure that you get accurate reporting when progressing opportunities through your moves management stages.


You can report on opportunities by using the Donations Dashboard, the Funds Details report and the Donation Details report.




These are the fields that appear by default when adding an opportunity to the Customer Service - Customer|Opportunity page:

Fund: Where the money is allocated. This field is required.

Appeal: The specific solicitation for the potential donation. This field is also required.

Solicitor Customer: The customer helping solicit the donation.

Staff Customer: The staff member working on the opportunity.

Type: The category for the opportunity. Some types include planned giving, stock, endowments and operations.

Confidence: Space to track your confidence in successfully closing the opportunity.

Details: For overall details or progress of the opportunity.

Association: The producer, department, company the donation goes towards.



Add a forecast to track the amounts related to the opportunity. There are four fields for you to enter various amounts. They are:

Plan Amount: The value you think the customer will donate.

Ask Amount: The value that you’re asking the customer to donate.

Expected Amount: The amount the customer has pledged to you.

Project Amount: The final amount the customer donated.


At the bottom of the opportunity, there are ten data fields.


Fields Customizations


If any of the labels don’t work for you, you can change them. You will find the fields for the opportunity in the Registry -Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSopportunityBO::Opportunity node.


If you want to change the amount headings in the forecast, go to Registry  Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSopportunityBO::Forecasts.


Changing the nodes here also updates the labels when entering an opportunity on a customer.


You can add lists to fields so that staff can select an item from a dropdown rather than entering the information. If we were to look at the ‘Type’ field, you want to ensure that the correct opportunity type is entered into this field each time so there’s no impact on your reporting. If there’s a typo, the opportunity could be excluded. To solve this issue, create a list of opportunity types. Lists are created and edited in General



Configuration - Lists



When creating your list, you set two values: the ‘Key’ and the ‘Label’ identified by the language(s) in your environment. If you have a single language, the key and label will likely be the same. The key is used in Business Intelligence and appears in your extracted CSV file.


Once you’ve created your list, you can assign the list to a field and optionally bind the list so that users can select one of the options. To attach a list to a field, navigate to it in the Registry. Use the List field to search for and select your list. If you want to prevent users from typing in their data, select No from the ‘Unbound’ dropdown.


You can find further information on creating lists in the product guides, along with more details on binding a list to a field.