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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

If you are scheduling more than ten BI queries to run at the same time:

1.Open Application Security from the Desktop.
The Group|Search page appears.

1.Search for and select the Sched group.
The Group|Basic page appears.

2.Select the Attributes tab.
The Group|Attributes page appears.

3.Select the TSsavedSearchCO.

4.Click 'Add Rule'.
A new rule appears.

5.Select Query: Page Size from the 'Attribute' dropdown.

6.Enter a number greater than the number of saved BI queries that you want to schedule in the 'Default Value:' field.
The global default value in the Registry - Registry::EN::Collection Object::TSsavedSearchCO::Query::Page Size node is set to 10.

7.Click 'Apply'
A window confirms that the group was updated.

8.Click 'OK'.