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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides







The Donor Biography report displays a complete donor history for a customer including donor activity, memberships, donation transactional history, bundles and contact history. You can access the report through Business Intelligence and Reports - Generated Reports|Reports page or by clicking the 'Donor Biography' button on the Customer Services - Customer|Basic page.


The following table describes this report's criteria:



Customer Number

Filters the report based on specific account numbers.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a customer.

Select Output

Enables you to specify which data to include in the report:

Donor's Activity: Displays the donor's activities

Fiscal History: Displays the donor's donation history per year.

Donation History: Displays the donor's donation history.

Memberships: Displays the donor's memberships.

Opportunities: Displays the donor's opportunities.

Event Info: Displays the donor's admission history.

Bundles Information: Displays the donor's bundle puchase history

Contact History: Displays the donor's notes.

Display Note Types

Filters the report based on the type of notes saved against the customer.



The following image illustrates a sample report:


Donor Bio-7.22



The sections displayed in the report depend on your Select Output criteria.



The following table describes the report output:



Customer Name/Information

This section displays the donor's name and basic contact information (address, postal code, phone number).

Donor Activity

This section displays the donor's overall donation activity.

Donation History

This section displays the donor's donation history.

Fiscal Giving History

This section displays the donor's donoation history by year.


This section displays the donor's past and existing memberships, if any.


This section displays the donor's opportunities.


This section displays the donor's bundle purchase history.


This section displays the donor's admission purchase history.

Customer Notes

This section displays a list of the donor's contacts.