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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

If there is data that you want to use to sort but that is not included as a result member, you can use the sorting options section of the Business Intelligence|Results page to sort.

To sort by data not included as a result member:

1.Open Business Intelligence and Reports from the Desktop.

2.Select the Business Intelligence tab.
The Business Intelligence|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the business intelligence (BI) query that you want to work with.
The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.

4.Click 'Add Sort'.
A new row is added to the sorting options section.

5.Click magnifyingGlass-7-X in the 'Name' column and search for and select the field that you want to use in the sort.

6.Define how you want to sort by selecting Ascending (A to Z or 0 to 9) or Descending (Z to A or 9 to 0) from the 'Type' dropdown.

7.For each field that you want to use to sort, repeat the process from Step 4.

8.To preview your changes, select the Preview tab.
TheBusiness Intelligence|Preview page appears.

9.To extract to Microsoft Excel or PDF, refer to Running a BI Query.

10.If you want to save your changes, expand the save lists and extracts section of the Business Intelligence|Results page and save the BI query.