If there is data that you want to use to sort but that is not included as a result member, you can use the sorting options section of the Business Intelligence|Results page to sort.
To sort by data not included as a result member:
1.Open Business Intelligence and Reports from the Desktop.
2.Select the Business Intelligence tab.
The Business Intelligence|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the business intelligence (BI) query that you want to work with.
The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
4.Click 'Add Sort'.
A new row is added to the sorting options section.
5.Click in the 'Name' column and search for and select the field that you want to use in the sort.
6.Define how you want to sort by selecting Ascending (A to Z or 0 to 9) or Descending (Z to A or 9 to 0) from the 'Type' dropdown.
7.For each field that you want to use to sort, repeat the process from Step 4.
8.To preview your changes, select the Preview tab.
TheBusiness Intelligence|Preview page appears.
9.To extract to Microsoft Excel or PDF, refer to Running a BI Query.
10.If you want to save your changes, expand the save lists and extracts section of the Business Intelligence|Results page and save the BI query.