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The Confirmation Email Invoice Template Versus the Order Confirmation Email Template

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Many aspects of the email invoice/confirmation can be configured (styles and brands) in the Registry.

The system uses two different invoice templates for different scenarios:

Order Confirmation Email template

Confirmation Email / Invoice template

The two templates share the same Registry configuration, but have minor differences to handle different scenarios. For example, the Add to Wallet link will only appear in the Order Confirmation Email template not in the Confirmation Email / Invoice template

The 'Email Template' and 'Default Invoice Template' settings on the Application Security - Role|Basic page typically do not need to be changed. Contact your customer success manager before changing these settings.


The following table outlines which template is used in which scenario:


Template Used



The confirmation is emailed to a customer when an order is created online.


Order Confirmation Email

The default template is set on the Application Security - Roles|Basic page 'Email Template' field for the Internet role.


The confirmation is generated when a customer clicks the 'View Printer-Friendly Invoice' button on the online viewOrder.asp page.


Confirmation Email/Invoice

The default template is set on the Application Security - Roles|Basic page 'Default Invoice Template' field for the Internet role.


The confirmation is generated when a user clicks the 'Invoice' button on the Customer Services - Order|Summary page.


Confirmation Email/Invoice

The default template is set on the Application Security - Roles|Basic page 'Default Invoice Template' field for the Box Office role.


The confirmation is emailed to the customer when a user clicks the arrow next to the 'Invoice' button on the Customer Services - Order|Summary page and selects the Email option.


Confirmation Email/Invoice

The template is selected by the user at runtime.


The confirmation is generated when a user runs a batch of invoices in the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page using Email as the 'Target'.


Confirmation Email/Invoice

The template is selected by the user at runtime.


The confirmation is generated when a user runs a batch of invoices in the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page using Print as the 'Target'.


Confirmation Email/Invoice

The template is selected by the user at runtime.