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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Once an order has been created, you can issue an invoice. An invoice can be displayed on-screen, printed or emailed. The format of the invoice is determined by the selected invoice template set up by your system administrator. Depending on your organization’s configuration, there may be additional output options available.



Invoices are designed to be informational only and can be issued multiple times for the same order. Invoices are not tracked in the system.

To generate an invoice:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Orders tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order that you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Choose an option:

a.To view the invoice:

i.Click 'Invoice'.
The invoice appears in a new window. You can print the invoice using your browser’s print functionality.

b.To email the invoice:

i.Select Email from the dropdown to the right of the 'Invoice' button.
The Invoice dialog box appears.

ii.Enter the email address of the recipient in the 'Email' field.

iii.Select a template to use from the 'Invoice Template' dropdown.

iv.Click 'Execute'.
A window confirms the invoice was processed.

v.Click 'Close'.

c.To print the invoice:

i.Select Print from the dropdown to the right of the 'Invoice' button.
The Invoice dialog box appears.

ii.Select a template from the 'Invoice Template' dropdown.

iii.Select a printer from the 'Printer' dropdown.

iv.Click 'Execute'.
A window confirms the invoice was processed.

v.Click 'Close'.