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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To create a gift:

1.Open Funds Management from the Desktop.

2.Select the Gifts tab.
The Gift|Search page appears.

3.Click 'Create New'.
The Gifts|Details page appears.

4.Complete the following fields:

a.Name: Enter a unique (to the program, different than the fund) name for the gift.
If a value is not entered in the 'Short Description' field, this is displayed to customers.

b.Description: Enter a description of the gift.
This field is only displayed in the Desktop.

c.Short Description: Enter a brief description of the gift.
This is displayed to customers. If a value is not entered in this field, the 'Name' will be displayed.

d.Amount: Enter a fixed value or a percentage of the order total (excluding delivery charges) when the percent symbol (%) is included.
When a percentage is used, gift amounts will continue to be recalculated as items are added/removed from the cart/order until the order is created unless:

oThe 'Amount' is explicitly changed/set to a specific amount.

oChanges are made to an existing order.

e.Category: Enter a name to categorize/group gifts to help filter customer searches.

f.Value Type: Select how you want the 'Amount' to be presented:

oFixed: Customers cannot adjust the 'Amount' of the gift.

oRecommended: Customers can adjust the 'Amount' of the gift.

g.Receiptable Amount: The percentage of the gift that is receiptable.



You must enter % in the field.

h.Logo [1-2]: Enter the absolute URL (including https://) or click magnifyingGlass-7.X to select the image that you want to display when the gift is returned in online search results.

i.Additional Info: Enter the full URL to your site or click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the article that you want to display when a customer clicks on an additional info link.

j.Assigned Pass: Select a pass to assign to the gift.

k.Payment Method: Select the  payment method(s) that can be used to purchase the gift.
If an order contains multiple items with different payment methods, only the payment methods that all of the items have in common will be available.

l.Payment Plans: Select the payment plan(s) that can be used to purchase the gift.
If an order contains multiple items with different payment plans, only the payment plans that all of the items have in common will be available.

m.Association: Select the relationship between the gift and any customers who make a donation using the gift, so that customers can more accurately be targeted for marketing purposes.
For more information, refer to Customer Associations and Message Sources.

n.Sales Type: Select how you want to be able to filter the gift in search results:

oAdd-on: The gift can be filtered as an additional item to the shopping cart (for add-on articles).

oPrimary: The gift can be filtered normally.

oUpsell: The gift can be filtered as a recommended better option than the one currently selected in the shopping cart (for upsell articles).

o.Upsell Article: Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the Upsell article that you want to display to when the gift is selected.

p.Add-on Article: Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for the Add-on article that you want to display after the gift has been added to the shopping cart.

q.Rank: Enter a number to determine where this gift would be ranked (in ascending order) if multiple gifts are suggested for the same item.

5.Optionally, select the items that you want to suggest this gift when they are purchased.

6.Add the gift to the calendar.

7.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the gift was created.

8.Click 'OK'.