A membership’s version information specifies the Levels (Memberships|Levels page). Versions provide you with the means to change these details for a membership, while maintaining a complete record of all previous versions. Creating a new version involves copying a previous version which can then be modified to reflect new requirements.

If you add a benefit to the new version, customers who already hold the membership will not earn the new benefit.
Versions can be set to take effect immediately or in the future. The version’s effective date/time determines when the current version will stop working and the new version and its values will take effect. You can edit values for a version whose effective date is in the future, but not one whose effective date is on or before today’s date. You must have permission to create a new version.
Select one of the titles below for more information about:
To create a new version:
1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Memberships tab.
The Memberships|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the membership that you want to create a level for.
The Memberships|Basic page appears.
4.Select the version that you want to copy.
The application highlights the version for editing.
5.Click 'Copy Version'.
A new version record is added to the end of the list with editing shown in the 'del?' column.
6.If the version is effective any time after today’s date, enter the date into the 'Effective Date' field. Otherwise, the date will default to today’s date and time.
7.Modify the membership.
8.Click 'Apply'.
If you did not specify an 'Effective Date', the application prompts you to confirm the use of the current date and time. Click 'OK'.
A window confirms that the membership was updated.
9.Click 'OK'.
A membership’s version information specifies the Levels (on the Memberships|Levels page). You can delete a version if it has an effective date in the future.
To delete a version effective in the future:
1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Memberships tab.
The Memberships|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the membership with the version that you want to delete.
The Memberships|Basic page appears.
4.If the version can be deleted, it will have a check box in the 'del?' column.
5.Select the check box to the left of the version that you want to delete.
6.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the membership was updated.
7.Click 'OK'. |