To create an event fee:
1.Open Organization Management from the Desktop.
2.Select the Contracts tab.
The Contracts|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the contract with the event fee to.
The Contracts|Basic page appears.
4.Select the Fees tab.
The Contracts|Fees page appears.
5.Click '+ New Event Fee'
An event fee row appears.
6.Complete the following fields:
a.Name: Enter a name for the payment fee.
b.Option: Select one of the following:
▪Flat rate per Event: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be applied per event.
▪Flat rate per Ticket: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be applied per ticket sold.
▪One Time: The fee is the monetary value entered in the 'Rate' field and will be deducted from a settlement once regardless of the number of events, orders or tickets.
▪Percentage of Sales: The fee is a percentage of the net sales.
If selecting Percentage of Sales, the 'Rate' must include a percentage symbol (%).
c.Rate: Enter the monetary or percent value of the fee. The rate will be calculated per the selected 'Option'.
7.For every payment fee that you want to add, repeat the process from Step 5.
8.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the contract was updated.
9.Click 'OK'.